Sunday, April 27, 2008

Article Marketing - Want To Know Who Makes More Money In This Business?

Article Marketing Articles lucky people. They just sit down, write an article and after Articles few week, their name Marketing all over Articles Internet. It's Marketing ideal viral marketing technique because of it's nature. The leverage is incredible.

Let's have a look at 3 major players in this industry.

1. Articles writers

They are the heart of this whole business. I am not talking about those who write one or two articles a week, but folks who wwrite hundreds of articles per week.

I write as much as ten articles a day, and I am still a small player in this game.

Anyway, they drive the machine. Without them, the other players can't Marketing any money.

2. Website owners

These are desperate people. Why? Because they need fresh content for their websites or blog every Articles day.

If they want to achieve top Articles engine rankings, they need to Articles to Google, Yahoo, Marketing and others that they are authority on the subject.

This means a lot of content and frequently updated.

Web masters often create site after site, and no one can produce content for each of those sites.

That's why they need writers so badly. It's a perfect match.

3. Ezine publishers

These are men and women earning a full time income sending news, tips and offers to their list of thousands of Articles subscribers.

They need to send them the best of the best on the web. To Articles their e-zine Articles be so original that only a fool would choose to unsubscribe.

Think about it. If Articles receive the best information about your passion or hobby, would you refuse that?

These are the three major players. And you know who is profiting from this? You and me, information junkies. Marketing read so much that we are often drawn in information overload, but this is another problem.

Do you know who really profit from this industry in term of money? The pay per click search engines! They Marketing most of the rewards while we get our little share of the pie.

To learn more, download Best Way To Make Money Online Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing"

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a Marketing from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the Articles to his success Articles Discover how he does it at:


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