Thursday, July 3, 2008

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Who would have ever thought the key to your success could be in choosing the right words. What the heck is that all about anyway. Well it seems, you have to use carefully selected words called, "keywords" to optimize your website so the big daddy search engine to pay attention to you. Just any old words don't work. You have to use relevant words and or parts of phrases that relate to your site's content.

Well I can see that! What the heck I believe anyone with a little brains could figure that out. I mean, I wouldn't use the word "carburetor" if I was selling candy, now would I? Seems like there is a lot of hallo blew over the obvious. I've seen keyword search programs, articles, and ebooks all about picking the right keyword. I think some people need to get a life.

So if it's such a big deal, what kind of keywords should you use? Duh, how about ones that focuses on what your site is all about? I mean, can't you just see someone putting up a big billboard on the side of the Interstate. Huge letters saying "STAY IN SAN DIEGO" when they are selling Omaha Stakes. Maybe people would respond to the San Diego thing, but they would probably be disappointed when it was Omaha Stakes instead. I mean there's nothing wrong with San Diego, but I think fresh Omaha Stakes are imported there from - Omaha.

Hum, maybe a little reverse physiology is in order. If San Diego is more apt to get their attention then it's a matter of wording. Like "There's nothing like a fresh Omaha Steak on a Barbe in San Diego."

Another thing, what the heck is all that "search engine ranking" about? It's not hard enough to get prospects to visit your website, you have to satisfy the search engines also. That's right, forget about the prospect, make that search engine is happy. Who thought that one up? Someone who is getting very rich, that's who. So who is the most important, the prospect or the search engine? You can have the best product in the world but if the search engine doesn't like your wording, forget it. How the heck did we get into this situation in the first place? Now we play by Google's rules or we don't play at all. True there are a few other search engines, but let's face it, Google is bordering on a monopoly.

By Google's rules, one correctly placed keyword produces better overall search engine rankings than if keywords are just generally placed. They also say both targeted and general keyword types will help the site maintain a high ranking. Isn't that special. You not only have to have the right keywords, but you have to have them in the right places. Cripe, I just want to sell my goods, that's all. I'm no Yale grad. or anything like that. I have a good product and I need customers, without the big boys wanting to muscle in. They used to call it the Mafia, oh I'm sorry, there wasn't any Mafia either.

The freedom of the web, yeah right as long as you play by their rules. And get this, the use of the right keyword placed strategically across your website is a big factor in determining whether or not you rank high in a search like, oh yeah, Google, Yahoo or Microsoft. So buckle down and get with the program.

So, what keywords are most useful?

Set down and put the old brain to work. Figure out which keywords are the most common in relation to your site's content and theme. The Big Daddy Search Engine Optimization tug-a-war begins with the first word but does not end with any set number of keywords. But that's not enough, the correct density has to be used, like around ten to fifteen percent but you could probably get by with up to twenty five percent. So use words that are relevant to your website, but don't use too many, no - no you'll get a slap on the hand.

So Just How Do You Choose the Best Keywords

Well here we go, what is your website all about? Put your brain to work, and write down the most popular words pertaining to your website that comes to mind. Make sure they are words regular people would use in searching for what you have to sell. No tricky, geeky stuff here. Just remember there are targeted and general keywords. You might know what you're selling but Joe Blow doesn't until you inform him. Make the words simple but direct. With all that said, write them both down and check them against your website. You can underline or put them in bold, but get them in there in the right density for effect. You can use one word from three to five percent with no sweat. Just don't go overboard, the search engines will think you're spamming if you get too dense.

In Conclusion:

Cater to the search engine's rules, pick out words that go with what you're selling. Do some brainstorming, and get on with the project. Oh yes, try a few search words yourself and see who turns up. Hay if they're good for your competitor, why not you?

Happy Trails.

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. Go to and learn how to build a heartfelt business for life.


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