Monday, June 30, 2008

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

To check the popularity or the importance of a web site, Google's patented PageRank is another method where if more pages link to a given page, then more important the page is and therefore it deserves a higher ranking than it would otherwise have. The number of links coming into a page is called Inbound Links.

While most engines simply counted the number of inbound links, Google modified it still further. Since each inbound link comes comes from a page (linking page) which itself has inbound links. If the linking page has more inbound links, then that page is more important and therefore, the link to the page that it inturn directs should also be more important. So Google gives more weightage to inbound links from important pages than it does to inbound links from lesser pages. They call the idea "PageRank". Thus the whole idea is to have a good number of inbound links and preferably from important pages i.e. pages themselves with medium to high PageRank values.

Some ways of increasing the inbound links:


Directories usually provide direct or one-way links to websites, although some require a reciprocal link. Those Directories that insist on reciprocal links, aren't really trying to be useful directories. Submitting to directories for listing is often time-consuming and elaborate, though there are a number of cheap directory submitting services that do a very good job.

Link Exchange Programs:

There are a lot of mutual link exchange programs online. They offer free editor-based and categorized directory of quality websites that actively swap links with other relevant sites like of that yours. This is also called as reciprocal linking or link exchange. For example, is one such site which helps you locate a categorized directory of websites that also want to exchange links similar to your site content.

Never sign up with "Free for All" backlinks exchange sites because they are mostly email address gatherers and you can expect a sudden increase in email spam soon after you sign up. Tie up with only those sites where you can approach them personally.

Avoid Link farms, such as Though they sound excellent for building up backlinks and PageRank, Google disapproves of them as blatant attempts to manipulate the rankings and they will penalize sites that use them. Once your site has been blacklisted, it is very difficult to get the penalty lifted, so avoid all link farms.

Alevoor Rajagopal is an MBA and an industry reputed copywriting and SEO consultant.

Test your web marketing efficiency at web copy techniques.


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