Friday, September 5, 2008

11 Quick Tips to Increase Traffic

Its easy to make a website,but tough to bring traffic to it. And the information available on the Internet is too overwhelming to help.Here are 11 easy to follow and implement tips that will help bring traffic to your site and increase the pagerank of your website.

Tip 1: Set your goal and Plan well. Start your traffic building by setting your goal. Set realistic goals that you can achieve. Measure your performance against your goals periodically.

If you dont have a goal then you will not know if you are doing good or bad. This will also help you determine if you have to change your approach and what's working v/s what's not . The key in setting goal is to follow S.M.A.R.T approach, which stand for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound.

Eg: If your site currently has 10 unique visitors, set your Traffic Goal as

* 100 unique visitors by 1st month
* 150 unique visitors by 2nd month
* 250 unique visitors by 3rd month etc

Remember that starting is always tough. Your traffic will increase exponentially. Meaning your 80% efforts will be needed to drive your first 20% traffic.

Once you have set the goal , make a clear plan of what activities will be done & when. Whether you will be hiring someone or outsourcing some efforts to free lancers.

Your plan will have Tasks ( Activities ) and Dates against each.

* Task 1 Date 1
* Task 2 Date 2
and so on.

Tip 2: Unique Content (Don't Skip over this) You must have read this in many place "Update your site daily". Its on your todo list but you end up doing everything but writing new content. The word "Daily" is very demanding, if you were told weekly, it looks more achievable.
However this is a proven and a very important tip in increasing your traffic. Your site should be updated daily. This requires patience & persistence. You will not get results in one day. But in long run it will turn out to be your best investment.

If you use CMS like Drupal, it also has modules to submit sitemaps to Google on Updates. This way the search spider knows that there is new content. More frequently you update your site, the more spider visits your website.

Tip 3: Link Exchange or Trading Check on forums like . There are many link exchange avenues. Try to exchange 20 - 30 links with similar websites, or websites having good PageRank.

This will help in building links and will be mutually beneficial. If your links are placed in prime position it will drive traffic to both parties. The trick is to exchange links with

  • Similar or Related websites
  • Website having good pagerank
  • Websites who offer to put your link in prime spots.
Ensure that the websites are not overloaded with links , else it will have negative effects like decreasing PageRank. There should be balance of content and links.

Here are some of the FREE high PR directories. There is no guarantee that your site will be accepted, but its worth a try.

For more tips visit Traffic Tips on

With religious implementation of these tips you will definitely see an increase in your website traffic. Sponsored by IT Links

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