Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Persuasive Methods to Advance with Article Marketing
If you have been using article marketing as your traffic-generating tool but can't simply obtain the numbers that you desire, you will need these 4 persuasive methods to advance in this marketing technique:
1. Deliver timely, quality, and complete information. When people open articles online, they only have one objective in mind; to acquire the information they need. Make your articles not only informative but timely by writing about latest news that affects your target niche. You also have to make sure that you offer detailed and complete information so your readers will not need to check on other articles that may drive them to your competitors.
2. Stop advertising on your content. If you think that you can sell your products by putting your ads on your articles, you are wrong. People expect to be informed or empowered when they read articles online. They don't appreciate when they are presented with sales letter-like copy. When they do, they immediately close the article and move to the next one that can offer them the information they need. This could mean losing their business.
3. Make your articles interesting to read by making them sound engaging. Steer clear from using boring writing styles that make your creation sound like a text book. Instead, strive to sound bubbly and more personal. Don't be afraid to ask questions once in a while or insert comic relief.
4. Learn the ropes of writing powerful resource box. This is one element that you need to seriously consider in boosting your conversion rate. It must be catchy so it can easily attract your readers to check on your website. Include your name, a powerful elevator pitch, and a call to action. You may also include your expertise or offer incentives to convince more people to visit your website.
Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?
Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation
Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets
Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Persuasive Methods to Advance with Article Marketing
If you have been using article marketing as your traffic-generating tool but can't simply obtain the numbers that you desire, you will need these 4 persuasive methods to advance in this marketing technique:
1. Deliver timely, quality, and complete information. When people open articles online, they only have one objective in mind; to acquire the information they need. Make your articles not only informative but timely by writing about latest news that affects your target niche. You also have to make sure that you offer detailed and complete information so your readers will not need to check on other articles that may drive them to your competitors.
2. Stop advertising on your content. If you think that you can sell your products by putting your ads on your articles, you are wrong. People expect to be informed or empowered when they read articles online. They don't appreciate when they are presented with sales letter-like copy. When they do, they immediately close the article and move to the next one that can offer them the information they need. This could mean losing their business.
3. Make your articles interesting to read by making them sound engaging. Steer clear from using boring writing styles that make your creation sound like a text book. Instead, strive to sound bubbly and more personal. Don't be afraid to ask questions once in a while or insert comic relief.
4. Learn the ropes of writing powerful resource box. This is one element that you need to seriously consider in boosting your conversion rate. It must be catchy so it can easily attract your readers to check on your website. Include your name, a powerful elevator pitch, and a call to action. You may also include your expertise or offer incentives to convince more people to visit your website.
Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?
Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation
Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets
Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Tips For Effectively Marketing Your Online Business
Assuming you have first researched and learned everything you can about your own customers and prospects then next logical step to an effective marketing campaign is to research your industry. You may think this is redundant since presumably you researched the market before getting into it. However, this time the focus should be a closer look at what the latest trends are, what the successful companies are doing and signs of new competitors.
One of the key secrets to dominating the marketplace is "knock-offs". No, not cloning your business but creating a new and unique selling prospect within your same marketplace.
Large companies do this all the time; they see a trend in the marketplace and add a product accordingly. For example: McDonald's adding deli sandwiches to their menus. In many of the most competitive markets, you will find many ads for different businesses and not be aware that some of them have the same parent companies. That's right, one or two of these companies may be responsible for four or five of these ads. They have found success within a certain niche and rather than go to the bother of learning a new niche simply find or create a new offer that is so appealing it sits alongside the other top prospects in that same niche market: new product, new website. Always keep in mind that on any search result a wide variety of tastes and desires is represented by that keyword. One website and one ad will only cater to some of them. Take a look at this same market for an alternative perspective and approach to monetizing this area.
Because the internet is an excellent resource, many online business owners overlook or neglect the value of trade shows. Attending trade shows gives you an excellent feel for where your industry is at present and where it is heading in the future. They are also an invaluable source of information that is not yet available online. The more you know about what you are offering the better your position to effectively market and profit from it.
Another key to success is diligence in keeping up with what your competitors are doing. Many business owners surf the net focusing on their industry anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour each day to do just this. Your competitors will often let you know that they are onto something new by an adjustment in their ad campaigns. Regularly checking your competitors gives you another avenue to discover changes in your industry.
Lisa Richardson writes on marketing and business related issues. You can learn more by visiting Richardson Reviews
Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Great Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing
Article marketing is a great off-page SEO solution that can help you build quality inbound links for your website without the need to resort to link building campaigns. You just need to write and distribute your articles online to impart your knowledge, gain the trust of your potential clients, and drive them to your website.
Here are the 4 great methods to improve your article marketing:
1. Supercharge your titles. This is the first element that online users will see online. Thus, you need to create a strong impression to compel them to open and read your articles. Make your headlines short, direct to the point, and descriptive of what your article is all about. Employ emotion, logic, exaggeration, and anything that will push your potential clients' buttons. Remember, to be successful in this marketing technique, you need to be desperate for attention.
2. Power up your author's bio. Introduce yourself to online users by giving them sneak peak on what you do, your hobbies, and your willingness to help. Avoid making your short biography a blatant advertisement and just make it personal. This is your first step in building rapport with your readers so they will learn to trust you eventually. Don't forget to include your most friendly-looking picture to make your bio more interesting and visually appealing.
3. Do keyword analysis. Know what keywords are ranking better on search engines and use them on your content. By doing so, you will make your articles highly searchable online.
4. Carefully choose your topics. If you don't know where to get great topic ideas, I highly recommend forums and article submission sites. These can give you great insights on what your potential clients might be looking for on your articles. Just stick to those topics that are relevant to your products so you can attract qualified traffic to your website.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Great Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing
Article marketing is a great off-page SEO solution that can help you build quality inbound links for your website without the need to resort to link building campaigns. You just need to write and distribute your articles online to impart your knowledge, gain the trust of your potential clients, and drive them to your website.
Here are the 4 great methods to improve your article marketing:
1. Supercharge your titles. This is the first element that online users will see online. Thus, you need to create a strong impression to compel them to open and read your articles. Make your headlines short, direct to the point, and descriptive of what your article is all about. Employ emotion, logic, exaggeration, and anything that will push your potential clients' buttons. Remember, to be successful in this marketing technique, you need to be desperate for attention.
2. Power up your author's bio. Introduce yourself to online users by giving them sneak peak on what you do, your hobbies, and your willingness to help. Avoid making your short biography a blatant advertisement and just make it personal. This is your first step in building rapport with your readers so they will learn to trust you eventually. Don't forget to include your most friendly-looking picture to make your bio more interesting and visually appealing.
3. Do keyword analysis. Know what keywords are ranking better on search engines and use them on your content. By doing so, you will make your articles highly searchable online.
4. Carefully choose your topics. If you don't know where to get great topic ideas, I highly recommend forums and article submission sites. These can give you great insights on what your potential clients might be looking for on your articles. Just stick to those topics that are relevant to your products so you can attract qualified traffic to your website.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Amazing Article Marketing - 3 Noted Effective Methods to a Better Article Marketing
Writing articles to market your products and services is one great, cost-effective method. Although there are other equally cost-effective marketing instruments that one can use to promote an idea or a service, article marketing remains to be the top most trusted marketing medium in the internet today. This is the reason why a continued patronage is being extended to it by the majority of the business people. In addition, newer and bolder methods are being developed to further enhance the capacity of this marketing tool to persuade and goad other people. Below are some these methods:
1. Prepare the message that you wish to convey. This is commonly the article that you need to create. You need to make sure that the articles are very well made and crafted. The topics should foster interest and appeal to the targeted readers/clients. In addition, you also need to ensure that they are free from any form of incorrectness and flaws.
2. Choose the article directories where you will have your articles submitted. There are various sites that allow for a free publication of your articles. Since generally of these sites are welcoming the submission and publication for free, all you need to do is to make sure that the articles being submitted for publication pass the standards set forth by these publication sites. Make sure that they are of high quality and do not contain any substandard contents.
3. Monitor how each article submitted and published is playing on the site. Track how these articles are making an impact to your business. Be a proactive player. Make sure that plans are made to combat potential failure on each plan that you have. Although it is advised that you give your articles some time to be able to pick up, make sure that you do not wait too long to take an action when you feel that your copies are of not reaping good results.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.
Amazing Article Marketing - 3 Noted Effective Methods to a Better Article Marketing
Writing articles to market your products and services is one great, cost-effective method. Although there are other equally cost-effective marketing instruments that one can use to promote an idea or a service, article marketing remains to be the top most trusted marketing medium in the internet today. This is the reason why a continued patronage is being extended to it by the majority of the business people. In addition, newer and bolder methods are being developed to further enhance the capacity of this marketing tool to persuade and goad other people. Below are some these methods:
1. Prepare the message that you wish to convey. This is commonly the article that you need to create. You need to make sure that the articles are very well made and crafted. The topics should foster interest and appeal to the targeted readers/clients. In addition, you also need to ensure that they are free from any form of incorrectness and flaws.
2. Choose the article directories where you will have your articles submitted. There are various sites that allow for a free publication of your articles. Since generally of these sites are welcoming the submission and publication for free, all you need to do is to make sure that the articles being submitted for publication pass the standards set forth by these publication sites. Make sure that they are of high quality and do not contain any substandard contents.
3. Monitor how each article submitted and published is playing on the site. Track how these articles are making an impact to your business. Be a proactive player. Make sure that plans are made to combat potential failure on each plan that you have. Although it is advised that you give your articles some time to be able to pick up, make sure that you do not wait too long to take an action when you feel that your copies are of not reaping good results.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.
Internet Marketing is BOTH an Art and a Science
Depending on your nature you probably look at Internet marketing, all marketing for that matter, as a numbers game. You send "x" number of letters, faxes, or emails and you get "y" results. So you concentrate your efforts on activities geared to increasing the percentage of replies. It's a numbers game to you.
Others place the vast majority of their effort on why they are marketing what and to whom. While their counterparts above will blast the message to a wide audience hoping for a few sales of leads, these marketers will send very very few messages to the precise individuals they want as customers, expecting that they will be able to move every one of them from suspect to prospect to first level customer to key account.
In fact the most effective Internet marketers combine the art and the science better than the unsuccessful marketers - because it takes both to achieve optimum results. And that is why we collected several hundred articles by experts from both camps.
Our mission is to provide resources for business owners and professional solution providers and it occurred to us that offering the widest range of opinions makes more sense than trying to tell you that we have all the answers.
In the nav bar on our web site we have a link to our "Internet Control Panel" where we describe how we are using the Internet to grow our business, but your business is likely very different and you have different goals, objectives, strengths, weaknesses, contacts, etc. If you visit that page and those connected to it you might find a tool or strategy you can integrate into what you are already doing, or not I don't know.
One reason we have so many articles about Internet marketing, in several different article sub-directories, is because of the discussion going on hot and heavy between those who believe in push marketing and those who prefer pull marketing.
Pull marketing is about having such a compelling offering in such an attractive package and available especially for people like them that they can't resist. If you want to know what pull marketing looks like check out a fly fishing video.
In fly fishing the "fly" at the end of an incredibly long fishing line connected to a very long fly rod, never seems to touch the water. The fish keep looking up as the "fly' dances tantalizingly just above the surface. Eventually they can stand it no longer and leap out of the stream and grab the "fly" in mid air.
That's how your pull marketing should work too. And since there are so many ways to approach it we've collected many different explanations in numerous articles.
When people think of push marketing they usually think of email marketing. That's because it is an economical, compelling, and direct marketing tool. If done right it will drive responses in impressive numbers and with today's technology it can be personalized endlessly. But that doesn't make it easy or simple to do.
Email's just a tool and so it is only as effective as the person or company using it. And the same elements to consider as any other direct marketing tool still apply before you send the email, during the process itself (delivery issues for example) and after the campaign is over - when you work to figure out what went right, what went wrong, and what you'll do differently next time.
Among the articles in the Internet Marketing article directory are various examples and strategies that will make your next email marketing endeavor more effective.
And because there are so many articles, 2,500 plus, you will save time by using the keyword based internal search engine in the nav bar. That's also true because often articles written about something other than Internet marketing contain just the nuggets you are looking for.
Finally, we all tend to look for other people's opinions to support our own. Then when things don't work we have someone else to blame. I encourage you to resist that temptation here and read articles on both sides of whatever strategy you are considering. Then make a well considered business opinion based on the whole story.
Remember, it is easier (and more cost effective) to do it right the first time, than it is to do it over!
Wayne Messick, author, consultant, and peer group facilitator is the publisher of articles to help you grow your business at If you are a business advisor wanting to maximize your potential,here are strategies we are using to generate record revenues. If you are a business owner wanting to leverage what you are already doing right visit the Peer Groups area of our website.
Internet Marketing is BOTH an Art and a Science
Depending on your nature you probably look at Internet marketing, all marketing for that matter, as a numbers game. You send "x" number of letters, faxes, or emails and you get "y" results. So you concentrate your efforts on activities geared to increasing the percentage of replies. It's a numbers game to you.
Others place the vast majority of their effort on why they are marketing what and to whom. While their counterparts above will blast the message to a wide audience hoping for a few sales of leads, these marketers will send very very few messages to the precise individuals they want as customers, expecting that they will be able to move every one of them from suspect to prospect to first level customer to key account.
In fact the most effective Internet marketers combine the art and the science better than the unsuccessful marketers - because it takes both to achieve optimum results. And that is why we collected several hundred articles by experts from both camps.
Our mission is to provide resources for business owners and professional solution providers and it occurred to us that offering the widest range of opinions makes more sense than trying to tell you that we have all the answers.
In the nav bar on our web site we have a link to our "Internet Control Panel" where we describe how we are using the Internet to grow our business, but your business is likely very different and you have different goals, objectives, strengths, weaknesses, contacts, etc. If you visit that page and those connected to it you might find a tool or strategy you can integrate into what you are already doing, or not I don't know.
One reason we have so many articles about Internet marketing, in several different article sub-directories, is because of the discussion going on hot and heavy between those who believe in push marketing and those who prefer pull marketing.
Pull marketing is about having such a compelling offering in such an attractive package and available especially for people like them that they can't resist. If you want to know what pull marketing looks like check out a fly fishing video.
In fly fishing the "fly" at the end of an incredibly long fishing line connected to a very long fly rod, never seems to touch the water. The fish keep looking up as the "fly' dances tantalizingly just above the surface. Eventually they can stand it no longer and leap out of the stream and grab the "fly" in mid air.
That's how your pull marketing should work too. And since there are so many ways to approach it we've collected many different explanations in numerous articles.
When people think of push marketing they usually think of email marketing. That's because it is an economical, compelling, and direct marketing tool. If done right it will drive responses in impressive numbers and with today's technology it can be personalized endlessly. But that doesn't make it easy or simple to do.
Email's just a tool and so it is only as effective as the person or company using it. And the same elements to consider as any other direct marketing tool still apply before you send the email, during the process itself (delivery issues for example) and after the campaign is over - when you work to figure out what went right, what went wrong, and what you'll do differently next time.
Among the articles in the Internet Marketing article directory are various examples and strategies that will make your next email marketing endeavor more effective.
And because there are so many articles, 2,500 plus, you will save time by using the keyword based internal search engine in the nav bar. That's also true because often articles written about something other than Internet marketing contain just the nuggets you are looking for.
Finally, we all tend to look for other people's opinions to support our own. Then when things don't work we have someone else to blame. I encourage you to resist that temptation here and read articles on both sides of whatever strategy you are considering. Then make a well considered business opinion based on the whole story.
Remember, it is easier (and more cost effective) to do it right the first time, than it is to do it over!
Wayne Messick, author, consultant, and peer group facilitator is the publisher of articles to help you grow your business at If you are a business advisor wanting to maximize your potential,here are strategies we are using to generate record revenues. If you are a business owner wanting to leverage what you are already doing right visit the Peer Groups area of our website.
Internet Marketing Strategies
Web site marketing is one of the most frustrating and exciting aspects of web site ownership. No matter what industry you are in, we can show you how to implement the newest Web site marketing strategies.
You really need to plan and budget for search marketing and web site design that accomplish your goals. If you're looking for your web site to work FOR you by either directly providing income or used as part of your advertisement campaign, then Web Site Marketing is essential.
A well-executed website marketing strategy can transform your company in a matter of weeks. If you design a search engine-friendly Web site with quality content and create a link building campaign to like-minded communities, you will see your rankings rise over time and your traffic increase.
If you're looking for your web site to work FOR you by either directly providing income or used as part of your advertisement campaign, then Web Site Marketing is essential.
Whether you're a company looking to improve yourB2B Web site marketing strategies, a small business needing a competitive advantage or an individual marketing your professional services, we create a step-by-step plan of action based on your business goals and the challenges you face unique to your product or service.
Search Engine Optimization can be a large part of your marketing efforts. Search Engine Optimization is the act of optimizing web site pages to target specific keyword phrases.
However, qualitative research can point out successes that may have occurred on a more human scale through anecdotes about how the social marketing program made a difference in someone's life.
Affiliate marketing can be a great way for you to get started in your home business. Affiliate programs offer webmasters the ability to earn revenue from their website through a commission based structure. Affiliates take risks and trial and error is probably the best way to describe how affiliate marketers are operating.
Only sign up up with the best affiliates and your site will ultimately generate only the best and most profitable traffic.
Just having a web site does not mean you are getting the most for your online marketing budget.
A business website without web site marketing is much like going through the process of writing a book and publishing a book, but only printing one book and selling it in one store.
Are You Closing Your Eyes To The Profit Potential In Home Business?
Great Product Resources for Your Budget!
Online Shopping
Internet Marketing Strategies
Web site marketing is one of the most frustrating and exciting aspects of web site ownership. No matter what industry you are in, we can show you how to implement the newest Web site marketing strategies.
You really need to plan and budget for search marketing and web site design that accomplish your goals. If you're looking for your web site to work FOR you by either directly providing income or used as part of your advertisement campaign, then Web Site Marketing is essential.
A well-executed website marketing strategy can transform your company in a matter of weeks. If you design a search engine-friendly Web site with quality content and create a link building campaign to like-minded communities, you will see your rankings rise over time and your traffic increase.
If you're looking for your web site to work FOR you by either directly providing income or used as part of your advertisement campaign, then Web Site Marketing is essential.
Whether you're a company looking to improve yourB2B Web site marketing strategies, a small business needing a competitive advantage or an individual marketing your professional services, we create a step-by-step plan of action based on your business goals and the challenges you face unique to your product or service.
Search Engine Optimization can be a large part of your marketing efforts. Search Engine Optimization is the act of optimizing web site pages to target specific keyword phrases.
However, qualitative research can point out successes that may have occurred on a more human scale through anecdotes about how the social marketing program made a difference in someone's life.
Affiliate marketing can be a great way for you to get started in your home business. Affiliate programs offer webmasters the ability to earn revenue from their website through a commission based structure. Affiliates take risks and trial and error is probably the best way to describe how affiliate marketers are operating.
Only sign up up with the best affiliates and your site will ultimately generate only the best and most profitable traffic.
Just having a web site does not mean you are getting the most for your online marketing budget.
A business website without web site marketing is much like going through the process of writing a book and publishing a book, but only printing one book and selling it in one store.
Are You Closing Your Eyes To The Profit Potential In Home Business?
Great Product Resources for Your Budget!
Online Shopping
Productive Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Amazing Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing
If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you probably know that article marketing is one of the best ways to make money over the World Wide Web. It is one of the most effective marketing tool in promoting your product, building qualified traffic to your website, and increasing your quality inbound links that can lead to impressive page ranking. And that is not the best part yet - did you know that it is also absolutely for free?
Here are the 3 amazing steps to make money through article marketing:
1. Know how article marketing works. This is relatively easy. All you need to do is write informative and useful articles and submit them to leading publishing sites. Don't forget to include your resource box that contains your name, your expertise, and your website's URL. When people see that your articles are well-written and content-rich, they will consider you as an expert on your chosen niche and a great writer who have the information they need. They would then click on your resource box to give your website a visit thus increasing your traffic.
2. To increase your conversation rate, I recommend that you write about topics that are closely related to the topic of your website. For instance, if you are running an internet marketing company, you may want to write about "10 tips on how you can rank better on Google" or "How to properly optimize your website". People who are interested in improving their page ranking might be compelled to check on your services.
3. Avoid submitting the same article to several article submission sites as you might be flagged for duplicate content. To avoid this from happening, rewrite your article and create 3 to 4 unique versions of it that will pass the anti-plagiarism tests.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
Productive Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Amazing Steps to Make Money Through Article Marketing
If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you probably know that article marketing is one of the best ways to make money over the World Wide Web. It is one of the most effective marketing tool in promoting your product, building qualified traffic to your website, and increasing your quality inbound links that can lead to impressive page ranking. And that is not the best part yet - did you know that it is also absolutely for free?
Here are the 3 amazing steps to make money through article marketing:
1. Know how article marketing works. This is relatively easy. All you need to do is write informative and useful articles and submit them to leading publishing sites. Don't forget to include your resource box that contains your name, your expertise, and your website's URL. When people see that your articles are well-written and content-rich, they will consider you as an expert on your chosen niche and a great writer who have the information they need. They would then click on your resource box to give your website a visit thus increasing your traffic.
2. To increase your conversation rate, I recommend that you write about topics that are closely related to the topic of your website. For instance, if you are running an internet marketing company, you may want to write about "10 tips on how you can rank better on Google" or "How to properly optimize your website". People who are interested in improving their page ranking might be compelled to check on your services.
3. Avoid submitting the same article to several article submission sites as you might be flagged for duplicate content. To avoid this from happening, rewrite your article and create 3 to 4 unique versions of it that will pass the anti-plagiarism tests.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.