Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories
To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time
to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is
If you have been looking for some bum marketing tips and still not making money, I have some tips you can use to tweak your online business, and hopefully, start making some money. And I will explain through my experiences what were the changes I made and how much money I have made making some of these changes.
I was lazy in the first 2 months and it was only last month that I decided to take action and below are my steps and results. I was using Ewen Chia Super Affiliate and Frank Kern MAss Control Revealed as a basis of my changes in marketing the product webpage and strategy.
These are the changes I made:
Change Number 1: Choose Just 1 Affiliate Product
First step I made was to eliminate the different products I was trying to promote on 1 page and choose just 1 product that I research and feel that it will convert readers to customers.
Change Number 2: Landing page
I made a complete overhaul of my webpage from a review style page to a squeeze page style with just 1 sole purpose, and that is to capture email addresses.
Change Number 3: Headlines
Made some keyword research and change my headlines and sub headlines in order to try to incorporate some search engine optimization as well as appeal to readers to sign up for my newsletter.
Change Number 4: Include Free EBooks
I went scouring around the internet to find some free eBooks that I can give away. The reports are also rebrandable so that when a reader reads the eBook and decides on getting the product, it will be my affiliate links.
Change Number 5: Setup Autoresponder Series
The emails are designed such that the email provides useful value and also include my affiliate links to the product I am trying to promote.
Change Number 6: Outsource My Article Writing
Since I was lazy, I outsource some articles to friends to write and just use articles as my main source of traffic, and I only sent to as my only source of traffic.
And that's all there was to it. The change was made on 15 January 2008 and as of 17 February 2008, I made $126.96. And bear in mind, I was doing it the lazy method, mainly using the emails taken from affiliate websites, taking the designs from affiliate product, and free eBooks from the product owners as well. Even some of the articles were not written by me.
Hope some of these bum marketing tips will be helpful for you. You can definitely exceed much more, unless you are as lazy as me. Hope to hear some good news from you.
If you are interested to learn more, I have a full set of reviews of Ewen Chia Super Affiliate (plus videos) and you should be able to decide if the services in this website is suitable for you or not. Get more information about Ewen Chia Super Affiliates Here.
Read about Marketing Genius Frank Kern Mass Control Revealed Here.
Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story
Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles
reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will
help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your
keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach
more potential
customers for your products or services.
To check the popularity or the importance of a web site, Google's patented PageRank is another method where if more pages link to a given page, then more important the page is and therefore it deserves a higher ranking than it would otherwise have. The number of links coming into a page is called Inbound Links.
While most engines simply counted the number of inbound links, Google modified it still further. Since each inbound link comes comes from a page (linking page) which itself has inbound links. If the linking page has more inbound links, then that page is more important and therefore, the link to the page that it inturn directs should also be more important. So Google gives more weightage to inbound links from important pages than it does to inbound links from lesser pages. They call the idea "PageRank". Thus the whole idea is to have a good number of inbound links and preferably from important pages i.e. pages themselves with medium to high PageRank values.
Some ways of increasing the inbound links:
Directories usually provide direct or one-way links to websites, although some require a reciprocal link. Those Directories that insist on reciprocal links, aren't really trying to be useful directories. Submitting to directories for listing is often time-consuming and elaborate, though there are a number of cheap directory submitting services that do a very good job.
Link Exchange Programs:
There are a lot of mutual link exchange programs online. They offer free editor-based and categorized directory of quality websites that actively swap links with other relevant sites like of that yours. This is also called as reciprocal linking or link exchange. For example, is one such site which helps you locate a categorized directory of websites that also want to exchange links similar to your site content.
Never sign up with "Free for All" backlinks exchange sites because they are mostly email address gatherers and you can expect a sudden increase in email spam soon after you sign up. Tie up with only those sites where you can approach them personally.
Avoid Link farms, such as Though they sound excellent for building up backlinks and PageRank, Google disapproves of them as blatant attempts to manipulate the rankings and they will penalize sites that use them. Once your site has been blacklisted, it is very difficult to get the penalty lifted, so avoid all link farms.
Alevoor Rajagopal is an MBA and an industry reputed copywriting and SEO consultant.
Test your web marketing efficiency at web copy techniques.
Viral marketing is a methods of list building
There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable
to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll
see every step of the
process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so
Article marketing keyword optimization is very important when marketing online. It's the element that will determine if users will be able to find your article among the million others you are competing with online. The article directory you submit your articles to also play a big role in the success of your article marketing campaign.
A lot of marketers put to much emphasis on keyword optimization, to the point where their articles get rejected from the big article directories. These directories have software that they scan articles with to see if the same keyword has been repeated to many times.
Their articles are then flagged by the software and rejected; I personally don't do too much keyword optimization in the bodies of my articles. I write my articles normally, like I am having a regular conversation. I do however make sure that my main keywords are in the first paragraph and in the title of my article. This is all the keyword optimization that I do.
I also check to see the competition for the keyword phrase that I am targeting. You can do this by tying in the phrase in quotes in Google. For example you can type in "Mortgage loans in Texas". The number of pages that come up is your competition.
Remember that when optimizing keywords, your article still sounds like natural writing to someone reading your article. Also be careful not to repeat the same keyword to many times in one paragraph. Follow this advise and you will be on your way to a successful article marketing campaign.
I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website. You can also visit
Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines
E-zine advertising
is perhaps
one of
the most underused
forms of promotion. It is
a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing
Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services. Article marketing is the most powerful skill you can learn for the promotion of your online business. For marketers who know the pages on their sites that convert as well as the keywords these pages target in paid and organic search campaigns, article marketing can be far more. Content articles are an essential part of search engine marketing and when done properly they can have a tremendously positive and long term effect to your web site business. It's a well established fact that writing articles is a powerful method of advertising online. Articles that are interesting and informative will act like a magnet to draw targeted traffic direct to your website in both the short term and the long term.
If you want to really make your article "SELL" then you've got to craft the perfect RESOURCE BOX. Keep the size of your resource box so that it's no larger than 20% of your total article size. Success can only be had when you create keyword rich titles for your articles that match the most commonly searched keywords for your topic.
In popular usage, "marketing" is the promotion of products, especially advertising and branding. A relatively new form of marketing uses the Internet and is called internet marketing or more generally e-marketing, affiliate marketing, desktop advertising or online marketing.
Marketing is fundamental to any businesses growth. The process for base management shifts the marketer to building a relationship, nurturing the links, enhancing the benefits that sold the buyer in the first place, and improving the product/service continuously to protect the business from competitive encroachments.
Most authors are wasting their time producing dozens to hundreds of high quality articles that never reach a fraction of their traffic potential. Applying an 80/20 approach I figured if I was going to submit articles manually, as opposed to using automated software, then I should work with the service with the most traffic.
My goals are to build links and generate some reader interaction. I also know that the majority of those article directories out there accept marketing-related articles and so will be able to build lots of links to my article marketing site. Thanks to Ezine Article's significant presence in search engines (high PageRank and lots of backlinks) web searches for your name will often pull up your author homepage. Your author homepage includes details that you can change anytime and you may include web links back to your own website or blog.
Unfortunately, with millions of websites up and running each day, it is difficult to actually see the result you want, without doing a bit more advertising and work on marketing your website. There are many free methods of advertising on the Internet that are not very effective, but writing and distributing articles is a surefire way to get your website noticed and a great way to generate income online. Viral marketing is a unique way of advertising that is appealing and useful to the consumers who see it. "Writing and publishing articles across the Internet is the absolute best way to not only build your credibility and drive traffic to your site, but also to gain a massive amount of free advertising.
Keep in mind that article marketing is a timeless strategy and you may not have an easy ability to retract what you put in your article once it hits major distribution. If you want to maximize your results from any article marketing strategy, you must master keyword research so that you can create keyword rich and intelligent article TITLES. One of the most powerful benefits of article marketing is the ability to build highly qualified and highly responsive lists. Make the most out of Article Marketing by exposing your articles through an article submission tool. I've yet to notice any penalization but there are a lot of forces in play here so if you are really worried, take the time to modify your articles or only submit original content. The other thing I like about Article Marketing, which is one of the main reasons I like blogging as well, is that it contributes to your overall exposure one little bit at a time.
If you want to know how to build a real money making internet business and squeeze it for every penny you can, blog resources and news that you can use from the best internet marketing tools and the best advertising techniques for your blog site promotion.
Come visit me at
Online marketing starts with your website
marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing
is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your
website; make sure its
attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All
of your online marketing will make sure they will find
For business owners, lifestyle entrepreneurs, and otherwise savvy professionals, creating content to help get their message, mission, and vision OUT THERE can be daunting sometimes - especially if you don't fancy yourself a "writer" or some other media-producing maestro.
And sometimes, we make things more complicated than they have to be. Heck, as "The Content Lovers," we can obsess over this stuff like there's no tomorrow. It gets in the way of taking action, and moving forward with our business and vision.
With that in mind, we offer you these seven really good bits 'o advice for easily creating powerful and consistent content, regardless of whether you deliver it with text, audio, photos, or video. (Knowing, of course, we personally use this advice ourselves.)
1. Mine what you already have.
It's excavation, not creation. Take content you've already developed - like the answers you've given to clients in emails, phone calls, and in person - and use those to develop content. If one person's asking, others may be, too. Then, you not only look like an expert, but you never have to answer the question again!
2. Give 'em bite-size chunks.
We all do it - overwhelm people with the knowledge we can share about our business or field. But at a certain point, people's attention just turns off. Don't try to shove 50 tons of diamonds into a 5-pound sack. Offer seekers of your content bite-sized chunks of knowledge, and the option to go deeper.
3. Leverage other people's content to support your own ideas.
Ever hear marketers throw out headlines like, "What Steve Martin can teach you about your own marketing and branding"? They use the content generated around well-known events, ideas, people, and pop culture references as analogies to buttress their own messages. And you can do the same.
4. Use other people's content outright.
With appropriate permission, of course, and preferably with an opinion to share. As the person who's screening the entire realm of knowledge in your field, picking and choosing a select few to share with your audience makes you look like the expert who holds forth on the usefulness (or lack thereof) of the information out there. Be the filter. Be the trusted resource.
5. It's about content over time.
Relationships don't happen overnight, in love or in business. By making a list for yourself of the ideas, magnets, and solutions of your business, you can authentically share new and helpful information over the long haul.
6. Good enough is good enough.
In economics, there's this thing called the Law of Diminishing Returns. In layman's terms, it says that at a certain point, the effort you put into improving something will cost you more than what you get out of that effort. It's the same with producing content. You can spend weeks, months, and years jiggering and editing and trying to get everything "just right." Or, you can send your content out on a catapult, where it can reach your Ideal Audience, so you can get to work on your next endeavor.
7. Be conscious (and conscientious!) about what you put out into the world.
People have a way of finding content months and years down the line. This can be a very good thing...or a very, very bad one. If you're less than impeccable with your word, it'll come back to bite you in the proverbial posterior. As Bogie said in Casablanca, "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life." This is the Law of Attraction in action - what you focus on and put "out there" to the universe is what comes back to you. Act with honesty and integrity, and everything'll be a-okay.
Good luck, fellow content creator! No matter how you choose to get your content out there - newsletters, webinars, comic strips, whatever - these seven tips will help guide you through the process of making those all-important connections with your Ideal Audience.
Remember, people aren't sitting around trying to figure out ways to give you money. But they DO want to: learn, be entertained, find specific information, get more time, freedom, money, and pleasure, and especially AVOID PAIN AND MISERY. Help them do any or all of the above with your content, and they'll reward you for it.
Lani & Allen Voivod, aka 'The Content Lovers,' help lifestyle entrepreneurs and million-dollar businesses 'A-Ha Themselves!' in fun and profitable ways. For immediate access to insider knowledge on more than 12 of the easiest, most effective, and most affordable ways to market your products and services for long-term success and profitability, check out "The 'A-Ha Yourself!' Action Guide" at
Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story
Article Marketing on
the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest
in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity,
search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.
Holding a title of SEO copywriter has often made me come across with people who are curious to know how my website gets ranked in Google & other search engines? Being in this profession for long and accepting challenges to explore the search engine process in detail, I often find it hard to describe such a vast procedure in brief. I believe in perfection and offering brief information that may not cover the substantial points on a topic is against my ethics. This may be one of the reasons that I never gave unsatisfactory answer despite being asked the same question multiple times.
However, this could not quench my thirst to offer accurate & influential information to those who are seeking it. Hence, I decided to write this article and provide detailed and valuable knowledge to those who aspire to make maximum out of their website. This article is a result of all my experience and expertise out into words. In my notion, this is a valuable scripture that would work as bible for those who want to promote their site without spending their hard earned money.
I am sure that certain things, considered important for promoting a website are known to most of you. These may include link building & website content. My expert advice for now is to focus on website content. I am not denying the fact that link building is important, but to achieve that, you may either opt for paid links or can go for link exchange program. However, being a professional, I never relied on these procedures and do not recommend the readers to follow them either. Purchasing link may make your wallet lighter by many dollars, and approaching for affiliate or link exchange program may harm you in future (but not always). The procedure may harm you when a site possessing your link and your site contain link of that site, get spammed or Panelized, you will get punished for the task youve accomplished. So, you have to be extra-vigilant.
The question that still remains unanswered for many who aspire to promote their website is how to achiever links? Well, I am not surprised here. You must have many times encountered with website such as, etc. These sites may be well defined as digital encyclopedia offering tons of information on any topic under the sun.
Have you ever checked their link popularity? If not I would recommend you to check it once. What I want to elucidate here is that adding lot of content on your website, that would prove to be helpful for the visitors, try to educate visitor about your products/ services will certainly prove beneficial in the site promotion.
For instance, if you are selling security devices such as stun gun, nanny camera, hidden camera etc. Online, displaying products at a good resolution & listing features are not enough to promote your site. The key is to try it differently. You must have heard the famous phrase- winners dont do different things they do things differently. This is exactly what you have to take in to consideration.
The crux is to write informative articles related to your products. Read the examples given below on the topics you need to cover if writing for a website related to selling security products.
a) Home surveillance products- Why to choose them to protect the ones you love most.
b) Why home security has become so much important these days- can Nanny Cameras put you on ease?
c) Is your home really safe- A quick watch at spy cameras.
This was just an example. I would highly recommend my readers to focus on upgrading their website content on a regular basis and include as many articles possible. If you are successful in adding useful information on your site regularly, youve won the battle. Valuable information is very important to allure regular visitors to your website. People would visit your site to enlighten them with the knowledge you are spreading and chances are that many of these visitors would add your site in their favorite list. And hey! This is just the beginning of people starting to add your link to their site.
The result is, accumulation of valuable links, without losing your money. Sounds interesting, isnt it? Remember, the target will be achieved if the articles or site-content are clear, crispy & most importantly, informative. Indulge in article that would make a visitor glued to your site for long and make him curious to visit again & again. By now, you may be wondering about the strategies to adopt for writing an article that fits well into your website & make sense for the reader to read it!
How to write an article?
I have observed that most writers concentrate on penning down what they actually want to write in their articles. This may well satisfy the creativity and purpose of the writer, but this is not the most effective and recommended way to write an article.
The key to effective article writing is to concentrate on a topic that your targeted market is already interested in. a brief research will solve your query of the kind of article your targeted market is interested in. research is what I would recommend my readers to conduct prior to selecting a topic to write about. When conducting a research, you must try to visit forums that cover your targeted market. Observe to see what they are talking about & even looking for. The foolproof formula that works is to locate a problem and write an article that would fix it up easily, effectively and permanently (if possible!).
This kind of approach would manifest your devotion as a problem-fixer. It is simple! Help people resolve their problems and strengthen your credibility, resulting in profits that will soon follow.
How many times have you been lured to read the content of a site by the title of the article? I would say, most of the times for myself. Article title is equivalent to the attractive wrapper of a gift that lures a recipient to open it eventually. Cover the gift with a shabby-looking wrapper if you want to repel the recipient. Article Title
Choosing the title of your article will be one of the most prominent decisions that you will make, towards writing an article. This would also determine whether or not it would be read by your visitors.
The best thing to do is, to take your time and challenge your brain to produce a revolutionary title. My advice would be to choose a title for your article that is
Attention grabbing
Pleasant to read
Arouses curiosity and,
Offers an idea of what you want to say, in brief
Personally, when I choose a title for an article, I write down several, compare, scribble and eliminate some of them before I settle for one. My basic idea of choosing a title is to make it as accurate and exciting as possible. This doesnt come easily, as I spend some time to get the feel of word variations, & tweak the weak areas.
Once youve selected the perfect title for your article, its time to accomplish the main task; writing down the content.
I am quite surprised to find that most articles that visitors come across on websites today are nothing but sweetened versions of sales-pitch or material that is void of the required valuable information. Hence, readers are disappointed.
The basic Mantra is to understand, the reason a visitor would spend his valuable time & energy to read a 500-word article. The reason is the thirst for education. Enlighten your reader with knowledge and you will be amazed to achieve your targeted goal/goals!
A poorly written article would repel your reader. This may put adverse effect on your credibility & on any other article/articles that you plan to publish in future. Hence, write it the right way for the first time. Try to focus on optimal keyword phrase placement, while still engaging the target audience with clear, succinct copy. I would personally advocate my readers to conduct a research on keyword search popularity.
Dont ever settle for dry, corporate-sounding jargon that doesnt engage the reader & wont strengthen your relationship with them. Try to employ phrasing that speaks powerfully to your target audience.
As a professional, I target to achieve a fresh set of META tags & a search engine submission for each article I post. I also consider it necessary to see that every article is enriched with keyword & squeeze in a few extra keywords where appropriate. This boosts up my search engine ranking & generates some very targeted traffic.
Here, I would like to make you aware that there is a fine line between what search engines consider the natural occurrence of keyword stuffing. If your document is a good read that happens to be keyword rich, you stand a much better chance at having it appear on a search engine than if is an obvious attempt at search engine trickery.
I believe in posting my articles as stand alone web pages at my own site. This becomes easy for more webmasters easy access to my articles as well as attracting more traffic through the search engines.
Write structured content for your web content/article that tells the readers what they want to know. The effort must not be to overwhelm them with loads unnecessary information, but enriching your site with informative, compelling and accurate content to drive-in potential traffic to your site & converting visitors into clients.
Provide resource information to your reader and for this, you must attempt to offer URLs of various websites where the readers can have an easy access to rich information on the subject youve explained to them. It would be productive to offer good outgoing links from your website. This will result in improving the page rank of your website.
I am freelance writer, I have written on many fields that are under the sun. I have passion to play with words. Accuracy, clarity and impact are the hallmarks of my work.
I am not a Shakespeare, and dont have ability to convert imagination and thoughts into words, If I have to define myself in a few words, I would say I am a copywriter, I have good command over research, expertise to explore extensively and ability to prove that. I can write on any subject, from beauty to intellect, food to travel, paradise to Hades, flowers to nuclear bombs, rainbow to Tsunami, pen to sword, Britney sphere to Halen Keller, Tumors to Health and fitness, celibacy to Seduction. You can also find some of my articles at and
Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories
To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time
to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology
comes the popularity
of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers.
This is
Tricky, Icky, and Risky?
Marketing on the internet has lots of appeal and is a career that is gaining lots of momentum because there is the potential for great monetary profit with little effort. However marketing on the internet can be tricky, icky, and risky for several reasons. Especially for those new to the world of internet marketing.
It is crucial that the would be internet entrepreneur go through some form of course on internet marketing so as to avoid some common pitfalls. Common pitfalls such as getting slapped by google adwords and losing money in pay per click advertising. Pitfalls such as choosing a hot niche and understanding that a niche is more than just a product genre that you are trying to sell. Niches are about people. Connecting people with needs to the items that answers their needs. Playing match-maker between people, needs, and products, goods or services.
The learning curve to internet marketing is great, but so are the educational resources available, and the rewards. Learning from the right marketing on the internet online courses could be the difference between success and failure. Having access to mentors could be the difference between making thousands of dollars a month or losing thousands of dollars.
Marketing on the Internet Online Courses
What to look for in marketing on the internet online courses.
So how do you know when you have the right marketing on the internet online course? What are some things to look for in marketing on the internet online courses?
First thing to look for is credibility. What are other people online saying about a particular course on internet marketing? What kind of success are people who have taken the course having?
The second thing to look for is community. Does the course have a support community? A community of successful individuals who can mentor you through the hardest parts of achieving success online. A community who will cheer you on and help keep you motivated to succeed, no matter what the cost.
The third thing to look for is the amount of content provided. The value of what the course has to offer. Does it cover multiple ways of online marketing such as Pay per click, article marketing, bum marketing, and forum marketing? Does it cover website design? Does it have a forum where you can go to for help when you get stuck? Because believe me, it will happen.
The fourth thing I look for is experience. Do the authors of the course practice what they teach? Do they actually market and make money online with things other than their course, or do they only make their, "Millions," online selling you their crap.
The fifth and final thing I look for is cost. what does it offer for the price compared to other courses? Do I get web-hosting, the courses, the website builder, the community, and the mentoring for a low monthly fee of say $30? Or do I pay $67 dollars one time for a stack of e-books in a zip file with no other instructions and no support. Do I get a family of like minded entrepreneurs? Or do I get to pay $167 dollars one time for crap load of confusion that was really geared towards advanced internet marketers.
My Experience has been that most of the guru's only make their millions by selling you their crap while not actually practicing what they are teaching. They make money while you spend all the money you have trying to learn how to make money, because the last book you bought was crap and you keep hoping that maybe this one will be different and you will succeed, only to find out it is also re-hashed marketing crap.
Magic Bullet, Easy Button, Holy Grail of Internet Marketing? View My Recommendations for Marketing on the Internet Online Courses
Viral marketing is a methods of list building
There are multiple methods of list building,
and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery
over one
or two methods, it is
advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so
You have decided that hiring an SEO firm is a good idea for your website and your company, but around every corner is a firm, or individual, pretending to know all there is know on the subject. There are scams, black hat practices and frauds everywhere. It seems as if there are more of those than of genuine SEO experts.
How can you tell the difference? The answer is simple. Ask the hard questions and gauge their answers.
What type of Search Campaign does your firm prefer?
Ask the company if they do Paid Search or Natural Search optimization. The major differences are, a paid search should include a huge variety of key phrases, even numbering into the hundreds. A Natural Search is much narrower and focuses on a small number of effective key phrases. Your SEO firm should be able to do to both.
The SEO firm will set up a Paid Search campaign to gauge which keywords or phrases are targeted the most as regards your site and then they will focus their efforts on those select keywords or phrases for the Natural Search campaign.
Unfortunately, many times, firms skip the Paid Search Campaign because it is more profitable for them. In a Paid Search Campaign, much of the client's money will go to Google or Yahoo to pay for the campaign, leaving little for the firm, itself.
The only time a firm should skip the Paid Search phase is if the client's site is a narrow niche that has only a few, well targeted keywords or phrases that are appropriate to that site.
Not only should the potential firm be willing to perform both tasks, they need to make certain that the keyword or key phrase campaign is in keeping with the goals of the website. If the client's goal it to generate leads, then the keywords and phrases should reflect that goal. If the client's goal is to generate sales, the campaign should keep that in mind.
Does your firm perform SEO copy writing?
SEO copy writing is the creation of website content that is written to attract the attention of search engines. If you have seen a site with a phrase that is repeated over and over, you have likely seen a page that has been created by an SEO specialist.
The downside is these pages do not go over well with humans.
The key is finding a happy medium, which is keeping your keyword and/or phrase density to about 17 to 20 percent and to make the sentences and paragraphs sound natural. Because the algorithm changes frequently for search engines, this will keep any SEO firm busy by making frequent site changes to keep up.
Your chosen firm should not be shy about making site content changes without loosing focus of your over all business goal.
What about link building?
This process is extremely important to raise rankings with Google, who gets about 65% of all search business, and somewhat important to Yahoo and MSN, the next two most popular search engines.
Make certain your potential SEO firm engages in sufficient link building efforts. This is done by creating links to your site in a number of ways: blogging and social site are just the beginning. A good SEO will write articles and post those articles to sites such as or This creates a link back to your site. These articles can then be posted other locations, such as blogs. If the system works well for you, someone else will find the article and post it to their site or blog, giving you an unsolicited link back to your site.
The problem is this method takes a long time (sometimes 2 to 3 months) for real results to be seen. The solution is to purchase links. Care should be taken to link to only reputable sites and not to link farms which sell links simply to make money for themselves. The more inbound links your site has, the better your rankings will be.
What keyword or phrase will be used to show my rankings?
It is a fact that if you do a search for an article by that article's title, it will show up as #1 in page rankings. If you search for the page's URL, it will be #1 because there is only one site with that URL. The real test of your SEO firm is if they can raise your rankings via a keyword or phrase that is a popular key word or phrase and not something so narrow that you are the only one who will have that particular search phrase. What are the odds that someone will do a search for "Four Questions You Should Ask Your Potential SEO Firm Before Hiring Them?"
The firm should focus on the keyword or phrase that will accomplish what your company is hoping to accomplish.
Karen Vertigan Pope writes for Ciniva Systems, an award winning Virginia web design company. Ciniva specializes in web design and SEO. Ms. Vertigan Pope is the Project Support Manger for Ciniva Systems and heads the SEO Department at Ciniva Systems.
Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story
Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them.
Article Marketing
will help
you increase your
link popularity, search engine positioning for your
keywords and phrases, and it helps
you reach more potential customers for your products or services.
Article marketing can be an extremely powerful tool for internet marketers. If you haven't started using articles as a means of getting traffic, I would definitely recommend doing so. However, if you plan on learning, you should make sure you avoid these common mistakes.
1. Articles Too Long.
Many inexperienced article marketers make one error, writing articles way too long! No one wants to read 3000 words of gibberish and then click on the link to go to your website and read more. If your articles are short an sweet, the reader will get the point, but still be up for checking your website out as well.
A good length for an article is about 500-600 words. It's not too short, or too long, and you can include all the necessary information. If you can cover your subject in fewer words, than that's even better, but most websites have a word minimum you have to reach.
2. Poor Author Bio Link
The whole functionality of article marketing relies on the Bio Box, which you include your link in. If you want people to click through to your website, you need to write something to captivate your audience. Don't simply write, "Check out my website here," include some information about what your sight will include, and how it will benefit the reader. For example, "Check out my awesome guitar tab website. If you keep using these you'll be beltin' out Clapton solos in no time!" This link would get a much high CTR than the first one.
3. Articles Not Searched Enough
Ideally, you'd like your article to get searched around 30 times a day. Those article keywords are rare, but that is the standard you should try to go by. It is not essential, but if you are affiliate marketing or simply promoting your website, you will see more traffic way faster.
Don't feel bad if you can't find highly searched keywords in your niche, just write more articles that get searched less. You will eventually start seeing steady traffic flow come in.
Article Marketing is used by many as the foundation for their website marketing campaigns. If you are not utilizing this technique, you are losing tons of visitors. If you want to learn how to master this traffic building technique, and many others, check out Traffic Tactix for a free e-course on creating high-traffic websites.
Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines
E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is
a good idea to
do your homework, before launching your viral
marketing campaign. Article writing
and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing
Lets start with this one cold hard fact: creating a successful Internet home business is not an easy task. It takes hard work and a whole lot of strategic planning. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably trying to sell you something!
Building any solid business takes hard work and planning. Why should creating a successful business on the Internet be any different? Just because you're dealing with computers and a world wide marketplace doesn't mean it will be easy to construct and build a successful enterprise. It will take some work and effort on your part.
However, knowing what tools to use and some vital marketing knowledge will make your task much easier and much quicker. The Internet does have its own unique tools and methods which you should be familiar with before you start any web business. Complete knowledge of these marketing tools and information will greatly increase your chances of creating a successful Internet business.
1. Domain Name/Website
You must start with a Domain Name - most marketers either make their domain something catchy and short that visitors will quickly remember such as,, Yahoo!.com or they will directly tie in their main product or service in the domain such as,, and so on.
Your domain must be attached to a well designed and easy to navigate website. Preferably one that is professionally designed and equipped with all the commercial tools you need like a shopping cart and payment system. Like any business, you must try to accept all the major credit cards and display all the proper trust building icons such as 'Better Business Bureau'...
Most professional online marketers keep graphics to a minimum and highlight their main benefit or product in a headline at the top of your webpage. You only have a few seconds to impress your prospective customer so summarize your whole site in one short benefit-loaded phrase or slogan. Be precise and direct in your presentation.
2. Keywords/SEO Strategy
Keywords, what surfers type into search engines to find what they're seeking on the web, are the real cornerstones of any online website or business. You must find out the exact phrases and words people are using to find your product or service and target these keywords with your online site. Create pages and content on your site to draw in this targeted traffic. As a general rule, the more targeted your traffic/visitors are, the greater your conversion rate, i.e. the more sales you will make.
Professional online marketers do keyword research and a whole lot of testing to find the right high converting keywords that virtually guarantees sales. These marketers find the buyers at the right stage in the buying process, where customers already have their minds made up and are ready to buy. For example, someone searching for 'cars' is not as targeted as someone searching for '2007 Ford Mustang with Shelby GT exterior design'.
Savvy marketers use professional keyword research software such as Keyword Elite or use such sites as GoodKeywords or Overture (Yahoo! Search Marketing) to find the number of monthly searches for the keyword phrases they target with their sites. Many online businesses outsource their keyword/link building to SEO specialists who do this job for them. These firms develop a long term SEO strategy of building links to targeted keyword phrases, thus building a successful business in the process.
3. AutoResponder/Opt-in Lists
The AR or AutoResponder is one of the most essential tools to building a successful online business. You must set up an Opt-in system on your site to capture the contact information of your visitors, this will increase your traffic and dramatically improve your sales. It has been proven that it takes 5 to 6 follow-up emails before a customer buys your product or service.
It just makes good business sense. You must build a list of potential customers for your business. The AutoResponder makes this possible and is unique to the online world. You simply place a form on all your webpages to capture the name and email address of your visitors for further follow-up and contact. Instead of a surfer visiting your site just once, you draw them back again and again with special offers, deals or a daily/weekly newsletter.
The key element that makes the AutoResponder such a powerful marketing tool is trust! The Internet is still a very distrustful place. You simply use the AutoResponder and your follow-up system to build trust and a sense of loyalty from your potential customers. Once this trustful relationship is built, running a profitable business online will be easy.
4. RSS/Blog
Blogs and RSS feeds are essential online business tools. As we saw above, building a trustful relationship is very important to doing business online. Keeping an online Blog or daily journal is another way of building trust and keeping in contact with your customers or clients. Everyone likes to be a part of a group, a member of the club -- having a company blog will help keep everyone a member of your business.
Blog and RSS feeds are a way to instantly connect with your visitors or customers. Podcasting and broadcatching (video casting) are excellent ways to more personally connect with your clients. Videos are all the rage right now and savvy marketers are using them in their advertising and marketing. Why should Google and YouTube had all the fun?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication, original acronym stood for Rich Site Summary) will get your sales message out to your customers quickly. With the upcoming release of the RSS powered Windows Vista expect RSS to play an even greater role in your whole Internet experience. Make sure you have at least one RSS feed on your online business site.
5. Articles/Syndication Software
People want information first, products second. Regardless of what you're selling or the type of online business you want to create, always keep in mind potential customers want information first and then the sales pitch. Give people good solid information and they will more likely buy from you. You must pre-sell your online business or product.
One of the best ways to pre-sell is by using articles. Simple informative, how-to, 500-700 word articles on all aspects of your online business. Place these articles on your own site and syndicate them around the web by using article distribution software or by submitting to such online article directories as,, and -- make sure you place a link back to your online business within the resource box at the end of each article.
Articles are an effective way of drawing very targeted customers to your site or business. Each article is a marketing tool in its own right. Create a whole army of these articles and you will see a marked increase in online visitors and customers.
As mentioned before building a successful online business is not an easy task. It does take some strategic planning and a whole lot of marketing tools with the knowledge to use them properly. But anyone can create a successful home business with the right equipment and the right attitude. You now have some excellent starting points, the next step is really up to you.
The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous niche websites, including two sites on Internet Marketing. For the latest and most effective web marketing tools try: Internet Marketing Tools If you're trying to start a web business and don't know where to begin, why not try these excellent free training manuals and videos: Free Marketing Courses Copyright 2007 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
Online marketing starts with your website
Internet marketing allows
you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing
is marketing
your business online. Online marketing starts
with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to
the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find
One of the most popular methods of marketing these days is to use Internet marketing to promote a product. The great thing about Internet marketing is that you don't have to have a website, a whole lot of money, or even your own product. There are a ton of people making a lot of good money online by promoting other people's products. The key to becoming successful as an Internet marketer is found in three words, search engine optimization.
There are a variety of ways you can go about having your product page or article content optimized to achieve high rankings in the search engines. One method that is used by Internet marketers is to hire an SEO company or firm to produce high quality keyword saturated content that will help them get listed high in the search engines. This can be quite expensive and if you have a small budget is not highly recommended. The other method used by Internet marketers is to purchase SEO software to help them optimize their websites or product pages.
There are three reasons why it is more beneficial for individuals to purchase SEO software rather than hiring a SEO company to produce content for you.
The first reason it is beneficial to purchase SEO software is that it is only a one-time fee. If you are on a limited budget for advertising your product, you may not be able to afford the services of an SEO firm. If you have no prior experience and know very little about the ins and outs of how SEO works, this could be severely detrimental to your business. The price to purchase SEO software is much less expensive in the long haul, and is something that you can use over and over and over again without paying for it ever again.
The second reason it is beneficial to purchase SEO software is the fact that the software comes jam-packed with a variety of extremely useful and helpful tools and features. Many of the features you will have at your fingertips are the same tricks and tools that the professional SEO firms use. The tools you get when you purchase SEO software can help you to build high quality content that is targeted specifically for your niche without the hassles of dealing with the middleman.
The third reason you should purchase SEO software is that it places the power of success back in your own hands. SEO software allows you be in charge of all the resources involved in optimizing your site or page. It allows you to test and try all the different methods and tips and to find what best works for you and your business. With this software you can have as much or as little success as you want. It literally puts you in control of your business and gives you cutting edge tools necessary to land on the front page of all the major search engines.
Michael Cantrell is a freelance writer who has extensive training in SEO content writing and Internet marketing techniques, including keyword research and building landing pages. If you're looking for a writer that can offer you the highest quality content on the Internet with the fastest turn around times possible, then look no further than Michael Cantrell.
If you would like to contact Michael about doing a project for you or your company feel free to contact him visiting his website Michael Cantrell
Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories
To all writers
and non-writers out there, now
is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which
is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is
As a marketer, I have tried just about every type of marketing strategy available online (although I am guilty of keeping my ears out for innovative tips).
One key promotional tactic that I have used for over 5 years now would be - writing articles. I strongly encourage those with websites to try sitting down and pick a topic in their niche and write what they know about it.
You'll be amaze at how many times you will say to yourself boy that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. And you are right. I'm also going to state for the record that using PLR articles in the right way can be beneficial as well.
But let's get back to writing good articles that get read. Here's a question for you: Why should you write articles? And if you are already writing articles on a regular basis, the question should be, why are you writing articles anyway?
Why Are You Writing Articles Anyway?
When you get down to basics, articles should be written to inform people that you have something of value to read. It doesn't matter if you send your article to 600 directories and publishers, what good is it if they all turn you down?
Think about it. For your article to get noticed, it has to be read, right? And for it to be read, it has to be good in the sense that it's interesting, valuable or gives a solution to a problem someone currently has.
The next step is realizing the purpose of your article which is very important. What do you want? Do you want leads? Are you trying to optimize your website? Do you want to brand your name or web page name?
These are things you need to consider before writing your article. It's nice to think you'll get hundreds of links back to your website but will it really happen if you're writing or content stinks?
And you want to take special precautions if you're looking to brand yourself because to do this, you'll need to come across as an expert in your field of work or niche. So, make sure you know what you're talking about.
What Do Search Engines and Publishers Have In Common?
And when you think about it, search engines are not so different from publishers. How? Well, they both are looking for good, quality content to show their readers.
Don't fool yourself. There's big competition out there. They do not lack content since alot of people write. What they at times lack is quality content.
How can you take advantage of this problem and beat your competition hands down? Write with the reader in mind.
Write with the goal of helping them solve a problem that you perhaps had. Yes, writing from your own experiences can show the reader they're not alone out there. You can also share ideas and tips from other experts you respect.
Remember, the more people that actually read your articles, the better chance of them seeing your resource box at the bottom which if written properly, will grab their attention enough to get them to your website.
That should be your goal. Then and only then can you win their trust and eventually sell them on whatever you are marketing. By doing this, you're articles accomplish their goal and you'll gain wide exposure as an expert author.
FJ Introduces... The Internet's Easiest, Boldest and Baddest Script that Will Help You Get Thousands of Hot Responsive Customers to Your Website without any Black Hat tricks. And the Real Amazing Thing Is... Very Few Webmasters are Using It! Find out about this before your competition does.
Viral marketing is a methods of list building
There are multiple methods of list building,
and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so
For radio and TV: Approach producers as if they have ADD (attention deficit disorder). Get their attention fast. If your press release doesn't capture the producers' attention within the first ten seconds, you're dead; they'll be off on something else. They seldom read press releases, but when they do, they usually just scan the headlines and bullets. Producers' lives are blurs. Everything is an emergency or a make press releases for producers shorter than those you send to print journalists. Tips:
Headlines are critical. They should be one line only, take seconds to read and focus on value and benefit.
The media is obsessed with three topics that it thinks audiences crave: money, sex and health. So, whenever possible, tie your headlines to those topics.
Establish a "Who Gives a Damn" meter. Determine if anyone would care about the information presented. If so, identify specifically who would care. Then determine why they would care. Once done, write headlines and bullets targeted to those who would care.
For print: For the print media the first paragraph of your press release is vital. It should run no more than three or four sentences and set forth all of the main points covered in the release. Don't muddy your opening paragraph with too much detail...Use subsequent paragraphs to further explain your story, including background, more specific information, and even include quotes or endorsements. But keep the entire release to one page. After you've drafted the release, tie it together with a catchy headline...always include your contact information at both the top and bottom of the page. [And remember] that print media can publish a press release, or parts of it, with little or no change, and their job is done. ___
PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "The Author 101 Newsletter" in your own print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:
Reprinted from "Rick Frishman's Author 101 Newsletter " Subscribe at and receive free by email my "Million Dollar Rolodex"
If you like my newsletter, please pass it on to your friends, clients and colleagues.
Rick Frishman President Planned TV Arts
Rick Frishman, president of Planned Television Arts, since 1982 is the driving force behind PTA's exceptional growth. In 1993 PTA merged with Ruder*Finn and Rick serves as an Executive Vice President at Ruder Finn. While supervising PTA's success, he has remained one of the most powerful and energetic publicists in the media industry.
Rick continues to work with many of the top editors, agents and publishers in America including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books. Some of the authors he has worked with include Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham, Hugh Downs, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Deshowitz, Arnold Palmer, and Harvey Mackay.Rick joined the company in 1976 after working as a producer at WOR-AM in New York City. He has a B.F.A. in acting and directing and a B.S. from Ithaca College School of Communications.
Online marketing starts with your website
Internet marketing allows you
to reach a global audience. Internet marketing
is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts
with your website; make sure it???s attractive and easy
to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn
first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find
It doesn't make any difference, as long as you're tracking it. You need to know where your traffic is coming from. Obviously, if you have two niches then you need to send the traffic that you write for one article to another niche, or to another another website.
If you two websites: one is natural health, and the other website is weight-gaining. So if you write an article on natural health, then you need to send that traffic to the natural-health website. If you're writing an article on muscle-building, then that needs to go to the muscle-building website. If you have one niche, for example, natural health, and you have ten pages in that natural-health website, for example, you have a page on vitamins. You have a page on natural food. You have a page on organic food, and you have a page on minerals.
So let's just say that you have four different pages: when you write articles on vitamins, you can send them to the vitamins page. When you write articles on natural health, you can go to the natural health page. When you write articles on organic foods, you can send them to the organic foods page. And you can take this one more step, Connie. You can have a different list for each one of these people.
The problem with having too many lists note --there's two sides to that coin. The more lists that you have, the more able you're going to be able to effectively target the people on your lists.
The answer is also that you would make more money per subscriber, if instead of getting emails in different types of things in one niche, but if instead you were to have a different autoresponder for each area of your niche.
But we have to be realistic. It's much easier to maintain one list. I look at it from a volume perspective: I'd like to get in more subscribers. I'm willing to make a little bit less on each one. If you're not getting in as many subscribers, you might be able to spend more time nichifying that.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.