Sunday, June 8, 2008

How To Write Articles Faster

When I first started writing articles I really battled to write good quality articles. I remember the first few articles that I wrote it took me days to write one article. You need to be very creative to write a good quality article that will be approved by an established article directory. The more practice that you get the better you will become. Now I can write a good quality article in as little as fifteen minutes. I would like to share with you some tips that will help you to write articles faster.

When I first start writing an article I first decide the audience I am writing the article for. So for example if I am targeting sales techniques for sales people I will think of a topic related to this. For example it could be how to solve a specific problem for example closing or the sales technique that I use that I find to be very effective.

The next step is to write the title. This is the most important step. You need to do keyword research and write your title with specific keywords in them to help your article to be found in search engines when you submit them to article directories. Also it is very important to have an attention grabbing headline as people are more likely to actually read your article.

After I have written the title I like to write the introduction and conclusion next. I then create bullet points. Consequently I expand on these bullet points. Finally I proof read my article and check it for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Once you learn the art of writing articles faster you will have a way to generate high quality free traffic that converts better than other sources of traffic. Imagine what will happen to your business if you wrote twenty articles a day.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

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Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Marvelous Secrets to Make Money with Article Marketing

Making money online cannot get easier these days. Thanks to the advent of article marketing, it is now hassle-free to drive qualified traffic to your website that can bring you great sales potential and increased revenue.

Here are the 5 marvelous secrets to make money with article marketing:

1. Offer high quality articles. This is the most important element of article marketing that you need to seriously consider to increase the chances of your articles being opened, read, and widely republished. Strive to offer your readers with not only valuable content but also with well-written articles that can give them great reading experience.

2. Be an expert. To succeed in this technique, you must be very knowledgeable on your chosen niche so you can easily share quality information with your readers. So, before you write and distribute your articles, make sure that you know the ins and outs of the niche that you are targeting. This can be done by keeping yourself abreast with the issues that are affecting your target niche and consistently doing research that can expand your knowledge.

3. Use a powerful resource box. If you want to easily convince your readers to check on your website, you must strive to make your resource box compelling and powerful. You can do this by using enticing elevator pitch and compelling call to action to easily move your readers to act on your favor. Don't forget to add your name, your website's URL, your expertise, and the problems that you solve to further convince online users to check on your website.

4. Don't place ad on your articles. When people open and read articles, they expect to get information that they can use in enriching their lives and they will not appreciate if you present them with sales letter-sounding article. This can easily annoy your readers and they will surely close your articles and move to the next one that can offer them what they are truly looking for.

5. Keep your articles short. If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you already probably know that the audience you are serving have limited attention span and they do appreciate getting the information they need ASAP. Help them out by offering them short, concise, and brief articles. Avoid beating around the bush at all times and eliminate fillers from your content. Don't use lengthy introductions and just offer your information upfront.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Advertising Secrets Exposed - How to Conquer & Secure Your Advertising and Promotional Game

It's the goal of many businesses, perhaps even all of them. It's the Holy Grail, the advertising campaign that brings you the maximum sales for the minimum investment. But make no mistake; the smart money is on a planned approach using the key points listed below. Even if advertising is still as much an art as a science, don't let that put you off digging for the facts and using a rational approach.

Your marketing plan is the first step. Don't have one? The now is a good time to make one. Your marketing plan will essentially say what kind of customer you want to attract, what your offering will do to gain that customer's interest and how you will promote and fulfill the sale that you make. It doesn't have to be complex. Some of the best marketing plans get written on the back of an envelope and it's this simplicity that helps them drive business success.

Next up is your advertising strategy. It's a bit like betting on horses. And if you've ever placed bets on horses, you'll probably know at least one thing: intuition and hunches are dangerous things! Advertising, like horses, need a careful look at the facts and the statistics so that you can then put your money on the option that really is the best bet.

The amount of money you want to spend also needs to be defined. It can differ widely from a few percent to almost half of the revenue. It'll depend on your business and the return that you can get on your investment. Consider aspects like repeat sales that you might make with customers. If they are likely to come back to you time and time again, you can justify a higher ad spend to get them on board.

Advertising copy has to be top notch as well. Let's not confuse top notch with super expensive. It may be a case of clearly and simply articulating your business philosophy (for example, "We make and supply superb art reprints that are guaranteed to fit in with your home". Resist the temptation to get tricky, at least until you've got some solid advertising working for you. Tricky or obscure advertising appeals to a very limited market at best.

Finally, track what you do and the results that it brings you. This is why you wrote your marketing plan, you defined your advertising strategy and you laid aside your hunches. Tracking is what will let you see where your money is working and where it is not. That means you can switch your expenditure to the advertising that works.

People who may have the best intentions in the world will often offer their opinion about what advertising you should do. Compare what they say with what you see going on around you, but always come back to the facts that you know to be true. That way, even if there is no "one size fits all" solution in advertising, you'll at least be pointed in the right direction.

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Article Marketing Make It Easy On The Reader

Article writing is hard work, so you need to ensure that the reader actually gets to read your article. Why because an easily read article gets spread around the internet like wild fire and is your perfect viral marketing process.

Make it easy to read: Most computer based readers scan a web page or email searching for the information that they need, so you need to help them:

* Have an eye catching, descriptive title.

* Have lots of sub titles just like in the article.

* Use bullet points to make it quick and easy to assimilate the information.

* Get to the point quickly.

* Use easy to understand, jargon free, wording.

* Introduce your article with a short and interesting opening paragraph.

* End your article with a good conclusion.

* Leave them wanting more information and use your resource box to show them where to get it.

Make it easy to use: Getting your article read is one thing, but you also want it to be published by as many people as possible. Heres some salient points:

* Make it the right length under 350 words for ezines, under 750 words for web pages and under 1250 words to be included in ebooks.

* Make it grammatically correct and ensure you spell check. Best to use American spelling even though the Brits invented the language!

* Make it interesting, humorous or contentious or all three if you can.

* Dont ramble get to the point, expand on the information and close the discussion.

* Write as if you are writing for one eager to learn person keep it personable.

* Dont include words that are likely to trigger spam busters.

* Make it relevant, useful and your own work!

So good luck in your article marketing.

Copyright 2006 Biz Guru Services Ltd

Lee Lister writes as The Biz Guru, for a number of web sites including her where she sells her informational products. With over 20 years management and business consultancy experience with businesses large and small as well as being a serial entrepreneur, she now helps others set up, develop and market their businesses.

If you would like more help and assistance in setting up your Article Writing Viral Marketing then visit for advice, assistance and some great products such as our Article Writing PowerPack.

This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Secrets To Building A Huge List Of Subscribers

List building is one of the most important tasks that you need to do in your internet business. As a famous marketer once said "Build a huge list and you will eat for a life time".

That comment is really funny, but it is so true. If you look at all the internet gurus they all have big lists of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. These lists usually took them several years to acquire, but when they send out an email they will earn tens of thousands of dollars.

So let us look at some core list building strategies that you can apply to your internet business today that will help you to build a very big list of subscribers.

1) Build an authority site

This could be a blog, magazine, forum site or a membership website where you offer a specific service for free. The benefit of this is that you will attract large amount of traffic from search engines. You can easily add a popup that cannot be blocked to capture the email addresses of your visitors.

2) Use traffic exchanges

Design a splash page promoting a free report in exchange for the visitor's contact details. Advertise this splash page in traffic exchanges to build your list.

3) Write articles

Article marketing is one of the best ways to build your internet business. The leads are high quality and can convert up to ten times better than leads from other sources. Write articles consistently and submit them to the major article directories. Just remember to include a link to your squeeze page in your bio.

4) Advertise in newsletters

Advertise your squeeze page offering a free report in related newsletters. This is one of the best ways to get quality traffic to your web site almost instantly.

5) Advertise using ppc

Ppc is a really good way to drive traffic very quickly to your web site almost instantly using Google Adwords. Just be careful not to target the very expensive keywords and look for long tail keywords that have cheap bid prices.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new ebook.

Secrets To Make Money Online - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies - Getting Your Clients to Buy Now!

Have you been feeling frustrated at clients who don't seem to be able to make a decision? At the beginning they seem interested in buying, either they've contacted you or you contacted them. Then as they see some homes may begin listening to the news about today's marketplace, they start to get cold feet.

They don't return your phone calls or e-mails, and when you finally reached they say, "I'm not sure this is the best time to buy. I've heard prices may get lower."

At this point you can either get exasperated and give up or you can give them a good reason to buy now, one that they can't refuse.

This is a simple 3 step process:

First, say to them, "Did you know that Donald Trump is buying up as much real estate as he can right now?" Client, "No, really? Why?" You respond with, "Donald Trump is a very smart businessman, wouldn't you say? What he knows that other people don't know is that this is the best time in history to buy. Prices are at an all-time low and so are interest rates. It doesn't get any better than this. So he is getting great deals all over the place." After this, your client will probably say, "Wow I didn't know that." You respond with, "If you're excited about this, then let's get you a deal."

Notice the invitational quality of your last statement. Who can resist a deal? Isn't this an irresistible statement? You are offering to partner up with them to help them make money.

Watch how quickly your previously "indecisive" clients, start taking action. You've done your job to tell them the facts. You've backed that up with an offer to help them make money in the same way that Donald Trump is making money. There may be objections that come up.

Here is the KEY: if you are convinced that this is the best time to buy, then they will be too. People can sense the depth of your conviction, so convince yourself first and then you will be attracting your ideal clients.

About the author: for more information on powerful marketing tips and tools, please visit Dr. Maya's website: while you are there, get your Free Audio mentoring session and Free Report, "7 simple strategies to more clients in 90 days" or call Dr. Maya at 707 799-5412.

Promote Keyword Phrases for Your Website

It's no secret that the keyword phrases you select will make or break your site. And yet it's also true that most people are terrible at selecting keyword phrases that end up being effective and generating traffic for their sites.

The most common mistake made is being too ambitious in selecting keyword phrases for which you don't stand a chance of generating traffic from. In other words, keywords that are way too competitive.

Yet with the right understanding and approach, any site owner or online entrepreneur can greatly increase the traffic they receive from search engines through keyword phrases.

You Must Arrive At Only One Keyword Phrase

Most people believe that the more keyword phrases that they select for their sites, the better. Actually nothing can be further from the truth. If anything the very opposite is true. You must consider the content and objectives of your site very carefully and when you have done that, you must come up with a single keyword phrase. That keyword phrase will clearly portray the narrow niche that you are interested in going after and dominating. Now most people panic when they hear this, believing that it will be ridiculous for them to focus all their energies on a single keyword phrase for the rest of their days.

Actually what is supposed to happen is that after you have selected your keyword phrase, you are supposed to find all synonyms and related keyword phrases. In most cases, the keyword phrases list will easily be well over 100 keyword phrases. In addition, there are other longer keyword phrases that hardly anybody pays attention to because they are not yet popular enough. These are the keyword phrases you will tend to notice in your stats, these could easily number in the thousands. In other words there is much more to the single keyword phrase than you think.

When you put all those thousands of keyword phrases together, you will find that the potential traffic your site is able to attract will number in the millions. One of the greatest secrets of success will come into play, which is the more you limit your target market and niche, the bigger the market you are creating of potential customers and clients. In fact most people believe the exact opposite, which is the more you narrow your niche, the more you limit your market and number of potential clients. This is just NOT true.

The Power of Focus

The World Wide Web is a huge place where it is very easy to drown and get lost forever. The secret to survival has to do with focus. It is indeed a very powerful strategy to narrowly focus on a tiny niche that you can totally dominate. And the way to do this is by selecting a single keyword phrase that best describes what your site is all about.

There are of course other factors that will help you in reaching your decision about what particular keyword phrase to focus all your energies on. Your past experience and skills are critical. You must have an edge that will help you easily win any competition that you end up facing from any other site on the niche subject that you have selected.

In other words, you must be confident enough of at least being in the top 10 worldwide in terms of your ability to deliver on that particular keyword phrase. This would mean that you would have a good chance of being in then top 10 of search engine results.

Actually many people forget that when you are on the web, the competition is not local but in fact worldwide. So you have no alternative but to really know your stuff.

When you make the decision to focus with laser beam precision on a particular keyword phrase for your web site, what you will have actually done is greatly expanded your potential market. The reality which many webmasters have seen in their own experiences is that if you aim for everybody you will most certainly end up with hardly anybody. The proper approach and use of keyword phrases on your site is bound to revolutionize your fortunes online.

Terry Detty finds Website Marketing Promotion and Business Marketing and Online Advertising his passion. In addition to marketing, he enjoys reading and occasionally goes out for a short walk. His latest interest is a new Search Engine Marketing and Internet Marketing Software program he's been using.