Friday, June 6, 2008

Amazing Article Marketing - Latest 5 Efficient Steps to Excel at Article Marketing

I have used several marketing tools in promoting my products and services but I like article marketing the most. Why? Aside from the fact that is it for free, it brings me qualified traffic to my website that leads to amazing sales potential.

In this article, I will share with you the 5 efficient steps that are proven to help you excel in article marketing and these are:

1. Titles. The titles of your articles are the first element that online users get in contact with. If your titles are enticing and attention-grabbing, you can be assured that a lot of people will be compelled to open and read your content. Based on researches and studies, titles that contain the phrases "10 tips", "How to", "secrets revealed", etc. can easily stir the right kind of attention online.

2. Quality. This is the element that can either make or break your marketing efforts. You see, when people read your content and they find it informative, well-written, and easy to understand, they will most likely to check on your website to either get more information or subscribe to your newsletters.

3. Format. We all know that online users have short attention span and they wish to get the information they need as quickly as possible. Help them out by using "how-to" and "10 tips" formats. If you prefer to use paragraphs, make sure that you use sub-headings.

4. Language. People can get easily annoyed when presented with an encyclopedia-sounding article that is relatively difficult to understand. Avoid this from happening by using the preferred language of your readers that they can surely relate to.

5. Empathize. To easily build rapport among your readers, make them feel that you understand where they are coming from by showing empathy.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Productive Article Marketing - Discover 5 Amazing Secrets to Make Money With Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best website promotion strategies that aims to direct free traffic to your site. It is very simple, cost-effective, yet very powerful in terms of driving online users to your site and improving your page ranking.

Here are the 5 amazing secrets to make more money with article marketing:

1. The main element that will have a huge impact on your article marketing campaign is the quality of your articles. If you want them to have massive clickthrough rates and be widely distributed, your articles must be targeted, easy to understand, and flow well. In addition, they must be useful to your target market and they must contain relevant information that are usually search for by your potential audience.

2. In order to increase your clickthrough rates, you must be able to catch the attention of online users. One of the best ways to do that is by using attention-grabbing, intriguing titles.

3. To make your articles search-engine friendly, you must know how to incorporate relevant keywords on your copies. In order for your articles to be easily indexed by search engines, make sure that your primary keywords are strategically placed on your headline, first and last 100 words of your article, and a couple of times on your article body.

4. To ensure that your articles will be posted online, they must be publisher-friendly. To convince publishers to post your articles, they must be of high quality and targeted on certain niche. They must also be free from blatant advertising and inappropriate content.

5. Your articles must be memorable. When you are able to produce articles that are interesting to read and packed with useful information, your readers will simply not be able to easily forget about that. This can result to their continued patronage to your writings.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Pathways to Success - Coaching and Marketing Strategies

The concept of coaching is a well accepted principle in any plan for success. Its value in the business world and athletic arena are tested and true guidelines to reaching goals and aspirations. You can find a coach to organize your closets, manage your personal schedule, and raise your children. And these coaches make a huge impact on the lives of those who consult them. There is no place where coaching is more essential and valuable than in the world of business development and management. Just one of these areas where coaching will really make a difference is in the area of marketing strategies for your new small business.

Finding a great concept and giving it life through a new business is an awesome task. But once your business is initiated and you are ready to grow you are faced with another awesome task-marketing that great product or service and spreading your message to as many people as possible. Many businesses jump right in and market wherever they see opportunity and there is no plan or design to their strategy. It is a "hit or miss" scenario where some successes are achieved but also some costly failures are incurred. You need a focused and carefully designed plan to navigate the complex world of marketing. Securing the services of a coach can bring this plan to life and ensure that all your efforts are cost effective and successful.

A business coach is someone with an intensive background in successful business management and has the resources to design successful strategies in every phase of your businesses growth and development. The business coach is a specialist, offering guidance in areas such as marketing, infrastructure development, financial foundations, and business plan development that can ensure a pathway to success.

Developing a market strategy takes into account product research, demographic analysis, cost benefit analysis, and many other facets of marketing to success. A coach with a track record of achievement, technological savvy, great research skills that can map out a plan that focuses on your product or service and the best ways to reach your target population. Having a detailed base of information and knowledge of product marketing is not something that every small business person has or has time to pursue. A coach can bring that wealth of knowledge to your business and devote the time it takes to analyze every nuance of your organization and its goals.

A coach is a resource that is motivated to help you achieve your dreams. The growth and prosperity of your business is their priority simply because their business depends on your success. Additionally, coaches are typically persons who have a high degree of commitment to sharing their skills and expertise with others and experiencing more accomplishments through the companies that they guide to success. Essentially, a coach is a partner in your accomplishments and a mentor to individual achievement.

When something as important as marketing is at stake, the "hit or miss" strategy invariably leads to failure. It is vital that your efforts be directed and focused on the segment of the population that is looking for you and your product. Knowing who that population is and effective ways to reach them is one of the things that coaches do best. They have the computer and research savvy to find the answer to your marketing questions. They also have the information on marketing solutions that are proven winners. They have the time and energy to put the answers with the solutions and design a plan that provides a rounded, cost effective, and comprehensive strategy to help every small business reach its potential.

Reaching your potential is what it is all about and using a coach to make that happen in real and concrete ways is simply good business. Additional articles in this series will explore the many ways that coaching creates pathways to success.

Melissa Vokoun is a successful Business Advisor, Coach and Trainer. From 1983 to 2005 she was COO and VP of Sales and Marketing for a national telecom equipment distributor. Her passion for business, working with clients in solving critical issues in the strategic, tactical and operational areas of growth continues. She is now President and Founder of NuVo Partners and Successful Business Advisors and The Coaching Queen. To learn more about the services available, please visit the website at: or call 847-392-6886.

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - Rapid Techniques To Maximize Your Efforts

In this article I would like to share with you some secrets that have helped me to get better results with my article marketing. Initially when I first started I was not getting the results that I wanted. Hopefully these tips will help you too.

1) You need to write consistently

One of the most overlooked factors of article marketing is that you need to write consistently. A minimum of 3 articles a day to see any decent results. If you are not doing this then you are going to end up struggling. The higher the number of articles the more subscribers you will have and the greater the number of sales as well.

2) Work meticulously on your title and bio

One of the most significant factors that I have discovered that has increased my conversion of subscribers is having a killer title and a bio that people can't resist clicking on. If you offer a free ebook this will substantially improve your conversion relative to offering a free report.

3) Split test different headlines for your squeeze page

When I first started doing article marketing I was getting sufficient amounts of traffic to my squeeze page, but very few people actually ended up subscribing to my newsletter. I tested different headlines with different copy and was able to substantially improve my conversion rate.

4) Maximize your autoresponder sequence

At this stage you will start seeing traffic to your website and generating subscribers for your opt in list. Your list is only valuable if you are actually making money from it. I test all my emails and those that convert into sales I add to my message series in my autoresponder.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Internet Marketing Tips - Allocating Your Resources

Allocating your resources may be one of the most important things you can do for your Internet marketing. The reason is because each of us only has so much time and so much money. Okay, some of us have more money than others. But the point is, resources are finite. Therefore, in order to make the most out of your business, learning how to allocate these resources, whether they be time or money, is critical to success. This article is going to show you one to do it. Hey, it works for me.

The first thing I do is sit down and figure out how much time I want to devote to my business each day. This is obviously going to be different for each person. I personally have no life so I can devote as much time to my day as I like. I choose to work 14 hour days, but this doesn't have to be true for you. Point is, pick a number of hours and stick to it.

The second thing I do is make a list of all the things I want to get accomplished in my day. I then prioritize them from top to bottom and make a note of how long I think each task is going to take. If I find that I have more hours that I need to dedicate than I have hours in my day, I have two choices. I can either increase the hours in my work day to accommodate the extra work, or eliminate some items. It's one or the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

The next thing I do is actually make a schedule, in writing, for what I plan to do each day. I stick to it to the letter unless something unexpected happens. Hey, things do go wrong in life. Learn to expect this.

That takes care of my time resources. But what about my money resources?

Well, same thing. I write down how much money I feel I can afford to spend on my business each month. I then make a list of items I feel I will need, including software, advertising, etc. I then take a look at the cost of what I want. If it's more than what I have allocated, I have two choices. I can either allocate more money or cut out some things. In order to do this, you have to prioritize the things you need. If advertising is most important, then that goes at the top of the list and you allocate your resources to that first. What's left over you put to the remaining items until you're out of money.

It's not rocket science. If you manage your business and resources in this manner, you'll find that you have a much better chance of running a successful business.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to earn a 6 figure income like I do but get there in half the time? Please visit my blog at and read my review of the greatest info product ever to come out online in the 5 years I've been doing this.