Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Entrepreneurs - 3 Ways You Can Profit From Newsletters Without Writing Them Yourself

I'm sure you have heard many online marketers touting the benefits of having a newsletter. I have used newsletters in the past for many sites. I've used them as a source of revenue by having advertisements embedded within the newsletter content. They are also effective as a means to keep a site sticky - to "anchor" clients and bring them back to the site. Newsletters can also be a great selling tool to provide free information, samples of your expertise or services, and as a taste of your full product/service. The lure of free content from newsletters can help you to turn casual surfers to potential customers and then finally paying customers.

I find the biggest problem for me personally is to consistently provide new content (which is strange since I have no problems writing a daily blog, go figure!). Consequently I have looked for methods to get around this problem.

Many of the sites I control I enjoy for the business management side of things and don't actually provide the core services myself. For example at BetterEdit.com I don't do any of the editing. I have professionals on staff that handle that aspect of the business. Consequently I have found it difficult to write newsletters that appeal to my target audience. Other times I've just grown bored of the subject matter and it becomes a chore to write a newsletter. If you don't have enthusiasm your output is not going to be very good.

Over the years I've developed ways to make money from newsletters without writing them myself.

1. Hire Writers

The first and most obvious way is to hire people to do it for you. I did it this way for a community site I built with over 1000 members. In this case it was quite easy to find people that had experience and enthusiasm for the subject matter; I posted a news announcement looking for newsletter writers. I hired two people and paid cash on a per newsletter basis though at one point my writers were happy to write for free, they just enjoyed contributing to the community (though I made sure to pay them whenever there was advertiser revenue). To make a profit I just made sure I had more revenue from advertisers than I had to pay my writers. A simple equation but one that takes time to balance since you need an audience, advertisers and writers. If you have a popular site (the audience) the other two variables should come easily. Alternatively you could try searching for a freelancer to write for you.

2. Other Peoples Content

Another method that I've utilised is to put together a summary style newsletter that simply links to content online. You take the time to find the quality articles and links for your members but you don't have to actually do any writing yourself. IncWire is a good example of a newsletter like this. It provides links to great entrepreneurship articles that have been drawn from all over the net. The newsletter is free and sponsored by advertisers. Of course you can also make use of article repositories such as EzineArticles.com and simply use other people's articles in your newsletter. This is a reliable and easy option since there is no shortage of great articles available for free publication everyday.

3. E-Course

You can also try an e-course style newsletter. This is a bit different to a traditional newsletter. Your visitors sign up and then over a period of time intervals they get sent the course via email. You can use plain text emails (this is the best method in my opinion - keep it simple stupid - kiss!), or HTML email or Adobe PDFs. You can send them out once a day for the next seven days or once a month for a year. It's up to you but generally the sooner the better because you want to continually build up interest over a short period of time. Will Swayne at Marketing-Results.com.au recommends a consecutive seven day e-course.

While initially you do have to write the content yourself once it's written your done. You don't have to constantly provide new content and your course can be sent out to unlimited subscribers. The benefit of an e-course is that you can really focus on what your speciality is. Your course acts as a showpiece for your core competency, your skills, and allows people to try before they buy. You can monetise the course by inserting affiliate links, advertisements or selling your own services/products (or all three!).

Newsletter Software

You might be thinking this is all well and good, but how do I manage my newsletter. How do I handle an e-course being sent out every day for seven days to hundreds of different people without being blocked by SPAM blockers. What technology is available and what do I recommend.

Personally I use Marketer's Choice to handle all email communications but if you just want a newsletter service it's definitely way too expensive - it's more of an all-in-one marketing tool.

I've tried a few different newsletter software packages. Some you install on to your own server and then manage online, others that are externally hosted subscriber based services and one that functioned a lot like an email client that sits on your desktop and sends out emails through your mail server. All of these have pros and cons. Of course it depends on your budget, but as I have stated you often get what you pay for so be wary of the free packages out there.

I recommend you try my favourite script source, The PHP Resource Index (http://php.resourceindex.com), in particular the Mailing List category should be your first port of call. You can try good old Google search as well.


Before you commit to any newsletter software make sure you check how they deal with SPAM. Do they have an official policy and description of how your newsletters will be received? Are they just mass broadcast? Your newsletter software should provide double-opt in protection which means your subscribers have to opt-in and confirm their subscription via email before they receive anything. This helps to keep you from being accused of spamming.

One of the main reasons I chose Marketer's Choice was because they have a very good system to make sure your mail is delivered to your subscribers. They have an in-built SPAM checker which reviews email you send out and tells you the likelihood your mail will be blocked by anti-SPAM software. It has the capability to personalise every email that is sent out so it appears with "Dear clientname" rather than just a generic "hello". This is an important feature both as a sales tool (people tend to read emails that start with their name) and it's more likely that your mail won't be classed as SPAM by anti-SPAM software, which flag non-personalised email as potential SPAM. It's the extra benefits that professional services provide that make them worth the cost, but you do have to go out there and test to find what suits your needs.

Newsletters Are Ace!

Really I can't think of many reasons not to have some form of newsletter or e-course on your site. Yes it does take time to set things up but it's worth the effort. I suggest you write it in your to-do list now if you don't have a newsletter already!

By Yaro Starak

Do you want to profit from your own successful home based Internet business?

Learn from Yaro Starak, a young entrepreneur from Australia. He works part time from home on several web based business that generate between $2,000 and $8,000 per month. Get your free articles and audio now - visit his Internet Business Blog.

Article Writing and Article Marketing - How to Write a Prospect-Pulling Resource Box

Article marketing is one of the best ways to market your business if you do it right. In my experience, you make or break your article marketing efforts in the Resource Box.

Most writers are guilty of poor article marketing because they use the resource box as sort of a virtual "ego wall" in their office.

"John/Jill Jones earned the Ph.D at Important University and is the author of several Important Books."

Well, who cares? This is a slightly exaggerated example of a resource box that does not pass the who cares test.

Article Marketing with Your Resource Box - How to Pass the "Who Cares" Test

There are three crucial steps to having a great resource box and passing the who cares test. All three of these steps involve the links back to your website used in your resource box.

Link 1 - Your first line should be a real url, or what is called an absolute url, as in http://www.reallystupendoussite.com. For instance, "Visit http://www.reallystupendoussite.com for more tips and tools for writing great articles" is a great opening for your resource box.

Link 2 - In link two and three you can use hyper-linked text. Drive prospects to your site with a line that reads like this: Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter

Link 3 - In link three you simply repeat what you did in link two and invite the reader to another important page in your website, which could be a product page.

I invite you to use these tips to increase the benefits of your article marketing.

And I'd also like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

SEO Techniques That Power Search Engine Rankings

Search engine optimization is the art of upholding the search engine ranking of your web page. And this art is crafted by artisans called SEOs, who can feel the pulse of web and move with a bang followed by cutting-edge optimization techniques. There are innumerable tools and techniques of a successful optimization. A few are outlined below:

  • Link Building: Link building is an effective tool of search engine optimization. For a sound optimization, you need to exchange links from those who share interest similar to you. It is good to stare at those links which are worth important and share with those who are having a good page rank. Search engine usually do not consider those sites, which have no link/s pointing to its web page/s. Apart from giving links, you should check twice if someone is requesting you for a link exchange. Check out his site, its subject, page rank, value. If nothing is worrying you, add his link.
  • Web Site Design: For those, who want to get indexed, web site design is of great importance. It's good to go for a design that appeals but it shouldn't be over emphasized. Opt for a design that speaks for you more than itself. If possible stay away from flash websites. Give due importance to text content than HTML. Use all the latest and graphic designing tools to make it relevant and appropriate. However, shed those who sound too much.
  • Title tag and Alt Tag: Title tag has its necessary importance in a successful search engine optimization. Put title tag in every single web page. Put exact keyword for a web page in the title-tag. Alt tag is equally important. While optimizing, you should put the main keyword/s in Alt tag. But restrain from over doing the same.
  • Page size: Size matters! To let the robots spider your web page faster, you need to mull over the size of your web page. It is suggested to keep your website page between 5k and 15k in size. Anything more or less might create troubles to open-up your web page.
  • Content: Content is king. And this king is not backed by soldiers but by keywords. Search out the right keywords, add matters according to the context and get it uploaded. Optimize the site regularly and you are sure to garner innumerable clicks a day.

Above are a few of many important tools of a successful search engine optimization. The main purpose of it is upgrading the essential value and dignity of any website. And in course of doing the same, they decide, discover and develop. If every technique could be adapted and implemented thoroughly, your website will feature at the top of search engine rankings.

He is the founder of a resourceful SEO India company that offers complete SEO Services to carry out optimization activities successfully.