Making Money with Your Blog!
A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!
Many people want to know how to make money by writing articles. I usually tell them that in order to make significant long-term money, they have to write one or more articles per day and keep at it for several months.
But what about the people who don't want to make significant long-term money? Are you out of luck if you just want to make a few hundred quick bucks? Not at all. In fact, it is quite easy to make quick money on the Internet if you are skilled at writing articles.
Go to one of the large forums in your niche, I use Digital Point and Warrior Forum. Once there, go to the sections for general marketing discussions. Look for questions on marketing a product and offer to write articles to help them promote their product. Then, enter a post or two on each forum offering to write articles for others.
You will not get rich using this technique. But then, you said you only wanted to make a few hundred, right? Most people will pay $4 - $5 per article, depending on length, quality, etc. If you are experienced, you can probably write a 400 - 500 word article in about half an hour. Therefore, you can pretty easily write four articles per day. If we use the lower figure of $4 each, you will earn about $480 in a month using this technique.
All in all, if you are looking to make quick money writing articles, forums are you best bet. This method has the added advantage of allowing you to set your own terms. If a client needs 10 articles, you can write five on day one and require some or all of the payment on delivery. However, in most cases, people want to review the articles before completing the payment.
If you do not want to spend time in the forums, you can use one of the many companies on the Internet that pay you for your articles. However, you will not make much more from these companies because they receive a portion of your earnings on every sale you make. And, because these companies have so many authors writing for them, you would not make much money right away.
Do you want to know how I make money? Download my FREE ebook and find out how to make money each and every day.
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There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so
A question that keeps countless small business owners awake at night is, "How do I attract customers and grow my business when I have little or no money for marketing?"
Here are 5 low cost "Guerrilla Marketing" strategies you can use to grow your business:
1. Create a revenue sharing partnership with a business that sells a non-competing product to your target market. The way to structure this partnership is that your partner includes information about your product or service in their marketing materials and in exchange you give them a commission on each sale.
2. Join a local and/or national barter exchange network and trade your products or services for advertising services such as radio or print advertising.
3. Write and distribute a news release telling the media about your business news. You can announce a new product or service, a unique way of doing business, a company anniversary, new employees you have hired, a new office location, etc.
4. If you have a website, you can inexpensively drive very targeted customers to your website using the Google Adwords pay per click search engine marketing service. Depending on the keywords you choose, this service can cost as little as five cents to send a prospective buyer to your website. This marketing tool works wonders when you have a well written sales message on your website.
5. Create step-by-step sales scripts to help you and your sales force make powerful presentations and close more sales. Create several responses to each objection you routinely hear from prospective customers and memorize those responses. The more confident you sound when talking to prospective customers, the more those customers will trust you and have faith in your ability to help them. You must also create and memorize several closes so when you are talking to a client, you know how to confidently ask for the sale.
Peter Geisheker is the CEO of The Geisheker Group Marketing Company. Peter specializes in developing and implementing strategic marketing programs for small businesses. For more information and a free marketing plan ebook, please visit
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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories
To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is
In a nutshell, article marketing is the most effective marketing tool in the internet today. Most webmasters are using it not just because its free but more importantly, because it delivers great results. From increased page views to improved page ranking, to increased sales potential to improved revenue and more.
Here are the 3 intermediate secrets to multiply your article marketing:
1. Build up your products. Although most publishers will not allow you to pitch in your products in your articles, you can still create a need for them in a subtle way. How? If you are selling educational plans, you can write about "Education - the best gift you can give to your children", "How to secure a bright future for your children", "Educational plans - what they can do for you and your loved ones", etc. These topics will give more value to your offerings and make your readers realize that your product is a must-have.
2. Write for your readers. One of your goals in writing and distributing your articles online is to convince your readers to trust you and consider doing business with you. That can only happen if you are able to offer them information that they will find useful and valuable to their lives. Strive to provide answer to the questions that bother your readers, offer sound solutions to their pressing issues, and provide information that will help them better understand their current situation. When you do, they will treat you as someone who is genuinely interested in helping them and not just a random marketer who is just after their money.
3. Write for search engines. You would want your readers to easily find you content online, correct? Thus, you must know how to properly optimize your articles by using relevant keywords all through out your content.
To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"
Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.
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Viral marketing is a methods of list building
There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so
We've dealt with many companies and websites in a search engine optimization capacity. The search engine optimization world is one surrounded by mystery. Although there is a thriving online community, search engine optimization is not typically offered as a course at schools or universities around the country. It is very much a skilled learned through experience.
But, often time's companies or "SEO experts" don't know exactly what they're doing. Not only is this unacceptable as you may be paying these companies or individuals good money, but in the long run some techniques employed by less experienced search engine optimizers or those willing to take short cuts can cause your site to become permanently banned by the search engines.
Over the years we've learned that education is the key to success. Whether you've just begun the process of looking for a company to provide search engine optimization services, are well along the process, or already have a company you're dealing with and want to make sure they're doing things correct this is a helpful and simple 5 question guide:
1) Can you get my website to the top of the search engines?
This is an important question, and one you may have already planned to ask. What you want to look for is whether or not the company digs deeper and what their response is. For example you should expect to hear things like:
- what would you like to rank for?
- are their competitors in your market that you believe have a great web presence with search rankings you would like to emulate?
Without intimate knowledge of your industry as well extensive research it is hard to know what you really need to rank for and whether the terms you think are important will actually drive results. Additionally watch out for too quick of an answer. Although a great search engine optimizer may be able to get you to #1 for something you want, it should never be guaranteed and it isn't an overnight process.
2) Once my site is created, how do you make sure I show up on the search engines?
Many search engine optimizers or firms will talk about website submission. In reality all that is really needed for search engines to know that your website is there is a link (from any site on the Internet) back to your site. Some firms may talk about repeated search engine submission, but this is completely unnecessary and could actually end up hurting your rankings as the repeated blasts may be considered spam. One key thing to look out for when discussing this question is the mention of sitemaps and webmaster tools. Many powerful websites (content management sites, shopping carts, etc.) can automatically create a sitemap (a single file that shows the location of every page on your site). When this file is setup under a search engine's webmaster tool console it can help significantly to increase your rankings and should be a staple of any search engine optimizers toolset.
3) What is link building, do I need it, and how do I do it?
3 questions in 1, I know, but this one is important.
Although on-page optimization (the way your website is built, text, etc.) is important, link building comes in at a very close second. Yes you do need link building! And the company you commission needs to assist in this process. If they don't mention this run the other way. Your website needs links-in from other websites across the Internet to help you rank well. Links act like votes of confidence - the more you have, the more powerful your site. There are a number of quick ways to get links, but link building is a long process, but well worth the time or expense.
One thing to watch out for in link building campaigns is the creation of many smaller websites that then link back to your main site. Although in theory it is not a bad idea the truth is because of the nature of the search engines it is a colossal waste of time and money that would be better spent actually building quality links to your main site - from existing established sites throughout the Internet.
4) How do you measure the SEO process?
The advent of new tools and technology has made the measurement of search engine optimization and your website's overall success easier than ever. Another key component to a successful search engine optimized site or campaign is the installation of proper metrics tools and the review both by the company being commissioned, as well as you the site owner. Like many things search engine optimization varies depending on a number of different factors, so implementing techniques is important, but measuring and refining are key next steps.
5) Do you start with pay per click marketing?
A good search engine optimization campaign should start with pay per click marketing and the company you commission should at least suggest this, even if you are opposed to it.
Why should you start with pay per click marketing?
Well, to understand why you have to start with pay per click marketing you have to first understand the difference between paid search (PPC) and organic search (search engine optimization). Organic search engine optimization is a long process. When you first launch your site it can take weeks or months for the search engines to even place you. On top of that, it will take months and sometimes years to rank well for competitive terms. Additionally, organic search engine optimization is not done for thousands of different key terms and phrases. It typically involves just a handful of terms, and is very specific.
Pay per click marketing or paid search on the other hand is immediate; allowing you to get in front of your audience right away and usually includes thousands of key phrases. You will literally pay for ads or listings when certain key phrases are searched for.
So, before you spend the time and money on all of the little details that help your site rank well organically (search engine optimization) how do you know what terms to select?
Research! And the best way to accumulate that research (while bringing in qualified customers) is through paid search. Paid search is the ultimate research tool and will help weed out less popular or less desirable terms and illuminate well performing key terms all while driving desirable traffic that will help your site get customers, leads, sales, etc.
Ask these five questions, analyze the answers questions carefully, and use your best judgement!
Zachary Katkin is the founder & CEO of Fort Myers Web Design Firm, Atilus Web Development & Internet Marketing.
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Making Money with Your Blog!
A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!
But this won't work said Steve. Ive tried it in the past and had no response. Does this sound familiar? My newer clients often resist implementing certain strategies based on past experiences. However, I usually find out that it wasnt the strategy itself but how it was implemented that caused the dismal results.
So whether you are designing a simple flier or developing a plan for a strategic partnership you can increase your chances for success by following these five tips.
1. Develop Your Marketing For Your Potential Clients Not Yourself.
What looks good to you may not necessarily be appealing to your audience. Its OK to ask your friends and associates for feedback but their comments are only relevant if they are members of your target market. Also just because everyone else advertises in a certain way is not a proof that it works.
2. Provide Answers To These Three Critical Marketing Questions:
QUESTION 1: What's this about? Check that your materials immediately and clearly communicate what you offer, who its for and whats the next step you are asking them to take.
QUESTION 2: What's in it for me? Dont make your audience guess about whats in it for them by leaving this information out or hiding it in the small print at the bottom. Use clear language free of industry jargon. Describe your offering not from the perspective of what you do but in terms of what the clients will receive and how they will be better off as a result of it.
QUESTION 3: Why should I listen to you? How will you establish credibility with your audience? Include your photo and prominently display your contact info. Present case studies, statistics, endorsements, testimonies from satisfied clients. If people dont believe you they will not respond to your offer.
3. Always follow the proven A.I.D.A. format.
ATTENTION Use a powerful headline that grabs attention. Dont try to be cute, dont expect that your prospects will take the time look for a deeper meaning in your clever slogans they wont. So be as direct and to the point as you possibly can. If you can boil the essence of the benefits you are offering to just one short sentence what would it be? Thats you headline!
INTEREST Now that you have their attention you must quickly build your prospects interest. Use subtitles, questions and short stories to illustrate and communicate how well you understand their needs. This is a good place to allow your audience to connect with the pain their problems are causing them.
DESIRE Technical descriptions and numbers provide information but dont incite action. Your marketing must arouse in your prospects the emotion of desire. Show your audience how a solution is available and achievable to them through doing business with you. Offer powerful performance promise and eliminate the risk of giving you a try by a strong guarantee.
ACTION Without this part your marketing is like a salesman who gives a great presentation but forgets to ask for the order. Give your prospects a compelling reason to take action. Make your offer so incredibly irresistible they simply cannot refuse!
4. Follow up, Follow Up, Follow Up
Over 80% of all sales are made after the prospect has heard from you at least seven times. Yet a typical business person gives up after just one or two follow up contacts.
Plan your follow-up steps in advance. Use a combination of mail, email, telephone and personal visits as your follow-up strategy. At each opportunity provide your potential clients with value this way they will forgive you the intrusion.
5. Develop a System
Most entrepreneurs and professionals waste their time and money on one-shot, fragmented promotional tactics. They practice hit and miss marketing system; they try a strategy and abandon it before it has a chance to produce any results.
Instead of developing new marketing strategies look for ways to improve the ones your are currently using. When you find a promotional strategy that works for you build a system around it so that you can consistently implement it over and over again.
Following these tips will make all the difference in the world between struggling to get clients and becoming wildly successfully in marketing your services. They are worth investing your best efforts and getting the support you need to implement them effectively.
(c) 2004 Adam M. Urbanski
The Author, Adam Urbanski, a Marketing Mentor, helps Service Professionals and Small Business Owners attract more clients. For more free tutorial articles, hot how-to tips and a FREE 32-page marketing guide go to
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Viral marketing is a methods of list building
There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so
If you want to become a great article marketer, you have to realize, your articles are not supposed to be great! Your articles have to be good! Not great! We aren't writing a work of art here people. We're just writing simple articles.
Don't try to create the perfect article. Chances are, that when you do, you will create a bad article. Your article will either be too long or too boring. Of course you don't want this! You want your articles to be entertaining and short at the same time. The shorter the better! Don't sit down writing a brainstorm, and then a rough draft! This is a horrible article marketing tactic!
As an article marketer, time is everything. By the time your done writing a brainstorm and your rough draft, and you finally type in your final draft, you can already have 10 or more articles waiting to be submitted, rather than having just 1 waiting to be submitted!
10 good articles, are way better than just 1 great article! As an article marketer, you need to know, that in order to get your market to notice you, you have to create the most amount of articles the fastest in order to win. If you don't, your just going to be left in the dust! Your article marketing strategy should be to write as many articles you can in the time that you have available. Don't try to write perfect articles, just write good articles! Good enough articles where your reader can get information out of it.
Just make it good, not great. Only when you shoot for trying to create a good article, will you actually create a great article.
Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at
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